Sustainable Food Value Chain Development: Perspectives from Developing and Emerging Economies

Narula, Sapna A., Raj, S. P.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-05-05
  • 售價: $6,300
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,985
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 320
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 9811964564
  • ISBN-13: 9789811964565
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


The book addresses the gap that exists in sustainable value chain development in the context of developing and emerging economies in meeting the sustainable development goals. The book adopts a holistic approach and discusses significant aspects of the topic such as challenges, opportunities, best practices, technology and innovation, business models, and policy formulation. The chapters focus on all the existing and potential actors in the value chain. Comprising invited chapters from leading researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and academicians working on this topic, this edited book is useful for scientists, researchers, students, research scholars, and practitioners as it builds the latest interdisciplinary knowledge in the area. An important aspect of the book is the case studies of already ongoing projects from various emerging economies around the world.

Contributions are divided into four sections--sustainable food systems and circular economy: tackling resource use, efficiency, food loss, and waste problems; technology and innovation for food value chain development; toward responsible food consumption; linking small farmers to markets: markets, institutions, and trade. Significantly, the book is organized in the context of Sustainable Development Goals and has direct relevance and linkages with SDG 1 (poverty alleviation), SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 3 (good health and well-being), SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), SDG 13 (climate action), and SDG 17 (partnerships).



貢獻分為四個部分:可持續食品系統和循環經濟:解決資源利用、效率、食品損失和浪費問題;技術和創新促進食品價值鏈發展;朝著負責任的食品消費;將小農連接到市場:市場、機構和貿易。該書的組織框架是在可持續發展目標的背景下進行的,與SDG 1(減貧)、SDG 2(零飢餓)、SDG 3(健康與福祉)、SDG 4(優質教育)、SDG 5(性別平等)、SDG 12(負責任消費和生產)、SDG 13(氣候行動)和SDG 17(夥伴關係)直接相關並具有聯繫。


Sapna A. Narula currently serves Nalanda University, India where she is Professor and Dean of School of Management Studies. She is a

distinguished academician in agribusiness and sustainability who has made immense contribution to the discipline through

her teaching, research and consultancy efforts. During her career span of 22 years in university teaching, research and

consultancy, she has also played a key role in advancing education for agribusiness through a number of initiatives targeted

at raising awareness generation and capacity building amongst corporates, youth, managers, and policy-makers. She has

played a key role in designing innovative academic programmes such as MBA/Business Sustainability, MBA/Agribusiness

and MBA/Food Supply Chain Management. She has also spearheaded various sustainability initiatives which she promoted

for youth such as Green Shift (2018), BLISS (Building Learning in Sustainability Science, 2014) andhas been on the jury of

many sustainability related awards/initiatives. She is currently serving as President of Global Network for Sustainable

Development, Arizona, US as its President has been associated with the UN Global Compact Network of India, PRME

(Principles of Responsible Management Education), Connecting Dreams Foundation and National Agricultural Higher

Education Project (ICAR) in various advisory roles for the cause of sustainable development goals. She has also held key

leadership positions in prestigious Universities in India and has delivered several keynotes, and distinguished sessions at

many Universities abroad. She was a visiting professor in Department of Management, Deakin University, Australia (2018). A

recipient of many awards notably Prosper. Net Scopus Young Scientist Award for Sustainable Development, 2011 delivered

jointly by the German Ministry, United Nations University and Elsevier and a Young Scientist Award (2009) from Uttarakhand

Council for Science and Technology, Government of Uttarakhand, she has worked on research projects funded by various

national and international organizations EPSRC, DFID, IFAD., Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One of the research

projects where she led sustainable livelihood work has also won UN Global Compact Innovative SDG Practices Award 2019.

She has published her research extensively in journals (Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Sustainable Mining,

Business Strategy and Development, CSR and Environmental Management among many others) and a paper written by her

in the context of organic food has won the Outstanding Paper Award 2021.

S. P. Raj is chair of the marketing department and Distinguished Professor at the Whitman School of Management, Syracuse

University. He holds the Irwin and Marjorie Guttag Endowed Professorship and serves as Director of the Snyder Innovation Management Center and chair of the Department of Marketing, Supply Chain and Retail Management.

He has previously served as interim dean and as senior associate dean for the school. He was also a tenured full professor of

marketing at Cornell University and a visiting faculty at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He

was the founding editor of the Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Raj's research on marketing

strategies, their influence on customer behavior, and managing new product development and innovation is cited extensively

with over 2500 citations in the Social Sciences Citation Index and 7500 in Google Scholar. His work has been recognized

with prestigious awards such as the John D. C. Little Award by the Institute for Management Sciences, a finalist for the

William F O'Dell award by the Journal of Marketing Research, the Donald R. Lehmann Award by the AMA and many Best

Paper awards inconferences. His research was supported by the NSF/Corporate Center for Innovation Management

Studies. He has published in leading journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing

Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Research Policy, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Business

Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He holds a

Ph.D. and M.S. from Carnegie-Mellon University and a B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.


Sapna A. Narula目前在印度的納蘭達大學擔任管理學院的教授和院長。她是農業商業和可持續發展方面的傑出學者,通過教學、研究和咨詢工作對這一學科做出了巨大貢獻。在她長達22年的大學教學、研究和咨詢生涯中,她還在提高農業商業教育水平方面發揮了關鍵作用,通過一系列旨在提高企業、青年、經理和政策制定者的意識和能力的倡議。她在設計創新的學術項目方面也發揮了關鍵作用,例如MBA/商業可持續發展、MBA/農業商業和MBA/食品供應鏈管理。她還帶領了各種可持續發展倡議,並為青年推廣了Green Shift(2018年)、BLISS(可持續發展科學學習建設,2014年),並參與了許多可持續發展相關獎項/倡議的評審工作。她目前擔任美國亞利桑那州全球可持續發展網絡的主席,並擔任印度聯合國全球契約網絡、負責任管理教育原則、連接夢想基金會和國家農業高等教育項目(ICAR)的各種咨詢角色,為可持續發展目標的實現做出貢獻。她還在印度的著名大學擔任過重要的領導職位,並在許多國外大學發表過重要演講和傑出講座。她曾是澳大利亞迪肯大學管理學系的訪問教授(2018年)。她獲得了許多獎項,尤其是2011年由德國部長、聯合國大學和愛思唯爾共同頒發的Prosper. Net Scopus青年科學家可持續發展獎,以及2009年由北阿坎德邦科學與技術委員會頒發的青年科學家獎,她曾參與由EPSRC、DFID、IFAD、比爾和梅琳達·蓋茨基金會資助的各種國家和國際組織的研究項目。她領導的一個可持續生計研究項目也獲得了2019年聯合國全球契約創新可持續發展目標實踐獎。她在許多期刊上發表了大量研究成果(包括《清潔生產期刊》、《可持續礦業期刊》、《商業戰略與發展》、《企業社會責任和環境管理》等),她在有機食品領域的一篇論文獲得了2021年的優秀論文獎。

S. P. Raj是雪城大學惠特曼管理學院的行銷系主任和傑出教授。他擁有Irwin和Marjorie Guttag捐贈的教授職位,並擔任斯奈德創新管理中心的主任和行銷、供應鏈和零售管理系的主席。他曾擔任該學院的代理院長和高級副院長。他還是康奈爾大學的行銷教授和西北大學凱洛格管理學院的訪問教師。他是《發展中和新興經濟體農業商業期刊》的創刊主編。Raj在市場營銷策略、其對客戶行為的影響以及新產品開發和創新管理方面的研究被廣泛引用,社會科學引文索引中有2500多次引用,Google Scholar中有7500次引用。他的工作獲得了許多著名獎項,如管理科學研究所的John D. C. Little獎、《市場研究期刊》的William F O'Dell獎入圍獎、美國市場協會的Donald R. Lehmann獎以及許多會議的最佳論文獎。