Hands-On ROS for Robotics Programming

Ronquillo Japón, Bernardo




Connecting a physical robot to a robot simulation using the Robot Operating System (ROS) infrastructure is one of the most common challenges faced by ROS engineers. With this book, you'll learn how to simulate a robot in a virtual environment and achieve desired behavior in equivalent real-world scenarios.

This book starts with an introduction to GoPiGo3 and the sensors and actuators with which it is equipped. You'll then work with GoPiGo3's digital twin by creating a 3D model from scratch and running a simulation in ROS using Gazebo. Next, the book will show you how to use GoPiGo3 to build and run an autonomous mobile robot that is aware of its surroundings. Finally, you'll find out how a robot can learn tasks that have not been programmed in the code but are acquired by observing its environment. You'll even cover topics such as deep learning and reinforcement learning.

By the end of this robot programming book, you'll be well-versed with the basics of building specific-purpose applications in robotics and developing highly intelligent autonomous robots from scratch.






Bernardo Ronquillo Japón is an Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics expert who has worked for top technology companies since 1995, including Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Gran Telescopio Canarias, Altran, and Alestis Aerospace. Using his skills and experience, he founded The Robot Academy, where he develops open source hardware and software solutions for engineers and makers: Social Robot IO (2015), for the stimulation of children with autistic spectrum disorder; Robot JUS (2016), which helps engineers get deeper technical insights with the Robot Operating System (ROS) when using low-complexity hardware; and IIoT All-in-One (2018) as an industrial IoT training package for assisting companies in their digital transformation process.


Bernardo Ronquillo Japón是一位自1995年起在頂尖科技公司工作的物聯網(IoT)和機器人專家,包括加那利天文研究所、加那利大型望遠鏡、Altran和Alestis Aerospace。他利用自己的技能和經驗創立了機器人學院(The Robot Academy),為工程師和製造商開發開源硬體和軟體解決方案,包括Social Robot IO(2015),用於刺激患有自閉症譜系障礙的兒童;Robot JUS(2016),在使用低複雜度硬體時,幫助工程師深入了解機器人作業系統(ROS)的技術;以及IIoT All-in-One(2018),作為一個工業物聯網培訓套件,協助公司進行數字轉型過程。


  1. Assembling the Robot
  2. Unit testing of GoPiGo3
  3. Getting started with ROS
  4. Creating the virtual two wheeled ROS robot
  5. Simulating the robot behavior in a virtual environment with Gazebo
  6. Programming in ROS: Commands and tools
  7. Robot control and simulation
  8. Virtual SLAM and navigation using Gazebo
  9. SLAM for robot navigation
  10. Applying Machine Learning in Robotics
  11. Machine Learning with OpenAI Gym on ROS
  12. Achieve a goal through Reinforcement Learning


1. 組裝機器人
2. GoPiGo3 的單元測試
3. 開始使用 ROS
4. 建立虛擬的兩輪 ROS 機器人
5. 在 Gazebo 虛擬環境中模擬機器人行為
6. 在 ROS 中進行程式設計:指令和工具
7. 機器人控制和模擬
8. 使用 Gazebo 進行虛擬 SLAM 和導航
9. 機器人導航的 SLAM
10. 在機器人技術中應用機器學習
11. 在 ROS 上使用 OpenAI Gym 進行機器學習
12. 通過強化學習實現目標