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$1,176C++ Primer, 4/e (Paperback)
$890$757 -
$450$405 -
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Frustrated by the lack of well-written essays on software engineering, Joel Spolsky (of www.joelonsoftware.com fame) has put together a collection of his favorite writings on the topic.
With a nod to both the serious and funny sides of technical writing, The Best Software Writing I: Selected and Introduced by Joel Spolsky is an entertaining read and a guide to the technical writing literati.
The Best Software Writing I contains writings from:
- Ken Arnold
- Leon Bambrick
- Michael Bean
- Rory Blyth
- Adam Bosworth
- danah boyd
- Raymond Chen
- Kevin Cheng and Tom Chi
- Cory Doctorow
- ea_spouse
- Bruce Eckel
- Paul Ford
- Paul Graham
- John Gruber
- Gregor Hohpe
- Ron Jeffries
- Eric Johnson
- Eric Lippert
- Michael Lopp
- Larry Osterman
- Mary Poppendieck
- Rick Schaut
- Aaron Swartz
- Clay Shirky
- Eric Sink
- why the lucky stiff
Joel Spolsky(著名的www.joelonsoftware.com網站的作者)對軟體工程領域缺乏優質的文章感到沮喪,因此他整理了一系列他最喜歡的有關這個主題的文章。
《The Best Software Writing I: Selected and Introduced by Joel Spolsky》以技術寫作的嚴肅和有趣兩個方面為基礎,是一本有趣的閱讀材料,也是技術寫作界的指南。
《The Best Software Writing I》收錄了以下作者的文章:
- Ken Arnold
- Leon Bambrick
- Michael Bean
- Rory Blyth
- Adam Bosworth
- danah boyd
- Raymond Chen
- Kevin Cheng和Tom Chi
- Cory Doctorow
- ea_spouse
- Bruce Eckel
- Paul Ford
- Paul Graham
- John Gruber
- Gregor Hohpe
- Ron Jeffries
- Eric Johnson
- Eric Lippert
- Michael Lopp
- Larry Osterman
- Mary Poppendieck
- Rick Schaut
- Aaron Swartz
- Clay Shirky
- Eric Sink
- why the lucky stiff