C++ Primer, 4/e (Paperback)

Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 2005-02-24
  • 售價: $1,176
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 912
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0201721481
  • ISBN-13: 9780201721485
  • 相關分類: C++ 程式語言
  • 已過版




C++ Primer, Fourth Edition has been completely revised and rewritten to conform to today's C++ usage. Students new to C++ will find a clear and practically organized introduction to the language enhanced by numerous pedagogical aids. The fourth edition represents a complete restructuring and revision of the Primer. The authors’ motivation in this edition is to teach effective styles of modern C++ programming. To this end, they introduce the Standard Library and generic programming much earlier in the text. Many examples have been reformulated to take advantage of library facilities. Their focus is to show how to use the standard library abstractions rather than the low-level facilities built into the language.   They've also streamlined and reordered the presentation of language topics.  

Each chapter also contains a Summary section outlining the important topics covered in that chapter. Extensive forward and backward cross-references are provided to make it easier to follow the interrelationships among various features and concepts.   Occasional sidebar discussions are also provided to highlight important concepts, general advice or cautions. The authors have also incorporated a series of short sections that denote particularly important points, warn about common pitfalls, suggest good programming practices, and provide general usage tips.


Table of Contents

Preface     xix

Chapter 1. Getting Started      1
1.1 Writing a Simple C++ Program    2
1.2 A First Look at Input/Output     5
1.3 A Word About Comments     10
1.4 Control Structures     11
1.5 Introducing Classes    20
1.6 The C++ Program    25
Chapter Summary    28
Defined Terms    28

Part I. The Basics    31

Chapter 2. Variables and Basic Types    33
2.1 Primitive Built-in Types    34
2.2 Literal Constants     37
2.3 Variables     43
2.4 const Qualifier    56
2.5 References    58
2.6 Typedef Names    61
2.7 Enumerations    62
2.8 Class Types     63
2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files    67
Chapter Summary    73
Defined Terms     73

Chapter 3. Library Types      77
3.1 Namespace using Declarations      78
3.2 Library string Type     80
3.3 Library vector Type      90
3.4 Introducing Iterators      95
3.4.1 Iterator Arithmetic      100
3.5 Library bitset Type      101
Chapter Summary      107
Defined Terms      107

Chapter 4. Arrays and Pointers 109
4.1 Arrays      110
4.2 Introducing Pointers      114
4.3 C-Style Character Strings      130
4.4 Multidimensioned Arrays      141
Chapter Summary      145
Defined Terms      145

Chapter 5. Expressions      147
5.1 Arithmetic Operators      149
5.2 Relational and Logical Operators      152
5.3 The Bitwise Operators      154
5.4 Assignment Operators      159
5.5 Increment and Decrement Operators      162
5.6 The Arrow Operator      164
5.7 The Conditional Operator      165
5.8 The size of Operator      167
5.9 Comma Operator      168
5.10 Evaluating Compound Expressions      168
5.11 The new and delete Expressions      174
5.12 Type Conversions      178
Chapter Summary      188
Defined Terms      188

Chapter 6. Statements      191
6.1 Simple Statements      192
6.2 Declaration Statements      193
6.3 Compound Statements (Blocks)      193
6.4 Statement Scope      194
6.5 The if Statement      195
6.5.1 The if Statement else Branch      197
6.6 The switch Statement      199
6.7 The whileStatement      204
6.8 The for Loop Statement      207
6.9 The do while Statement      210
6.10 The break Statement      212
6.11 The continue Statement      214
6.12 The goto Statement      214
6.13 try Blocks and Exception Handling      215
6.13.1 A throw Expression      216
6.13.2 The try Block      217
6.13.3 Standard Exceptions      219
6.14 Using the Preprocessor for Debugging      220
Chapter Summary      223
Defined Terms      223

Chapter 7. Functions      225
7.1 Defining a Function      226
7.2 Argument Passing      229
7.3 The return Statement      245
7.4 Function Declarations      251
7.5 Local Objects      254
7.6 Inline Functions      256
7.7 ClassMemberFunctions      258
7.8 Overloaded Functions      265
7.9 Pointers to Functions      276
Chapter Summary      280
Defined Terms      280

Chapter 8. The IO Library      283
8.1 An Object-Oriented Library      284
8.2 Condition States      287
8.3 Managing the Output Buffer      290
8.4 File Input and Output      293
8.5 String Streams      299
Chapter Summary      302
Defined Terms      302

Part II. Containers and Algorithms      303

Chapter 9. Sequential Containers      305
9.1 Defining a Sequential Container      307
9.2 Iterators andIteratorRanges      311
9.3 Sequence Container Operations      316
9.4 How a vector Grows      330
9.5 Deciding Which Container to Use      333
9.6 strings Revisited      335
9.7 Container Adaptors      348
Chapter Summary      353
Defined Terms      353

Chapter 10. Associative Containers      355
10.1 Preliminaries: the pair Type      356
10.2 Associative Containers      358
10.3 The map Type      360
10.4 The set Type      372
10.5 The multimap and multiset Types      375
10.6 Using Containers: Text-Query Program      379
Chapter Summary      388
Defined Terms      388

Chapter 11. Generic Algorithms      391
11.1 Overview      392
11.2 A First Look at the Algorithms      395
11.3 Revisiting Iterators      405
11.4 Structure of Generic Algorithms      419
11.5 Container-Specific Algorithms      421
Chapter Summary      424
Defined Terms      424

Part III. Classes and Data Abstraction      427

Chapter 12. Classes      429
12.1 Class Definitions and Declarations         430
12.2 The Implicit this Pointer         440
12.3 Class Scope         444
12.4 Constructors         451
12.5 Friends         465
12.6 static Class Members         467
Chapter Summary         473
Defined Terms         473

Chapter 13 Copy Control      475
13.1 The Copy Constructor         476
13.2 The Assignment Operator         482
13.3 The Destructor           484
13.4 A Message-Handling Example       486
13.5 Managing Pointer Members         492
Chapter Summary         502
Defined Terms         502

Chapter 14. Overloaded Operations and Conversions      505
14.1 Defining an Overloaded Operator         506
14.2 Input andOutputOperators         513
14.3 Arithmetic and Relational Operators         517
14.4 Assignment Operators        520
14.5 Subscript Operator         522
14.6 Member Access Operators         523
14.7 Increment and Decrement Operators        526
14.8 Call Operator and Function Objects         530
14.9 Conversions and Class Types         535
Chapter Summary         . 552
Defined Terms         552

Part IV. Object-Oriented and Generic Programming      555

Chapter 15. Object-Oriented Programming      557
15.1 OOP: An Overview         558
15.2 Defining Base and Derived Classes         560
15.3 Conversions and Inheritance         577
15.4 Constructors and Copy Control         580
15.5 Class Scope under Inheritance         590
15.6 Pure Virtual Functions         595
15.7 Containers and Inheritance         597
15.8 Handle Classes and Inheritance         598
15.9 Text Queries Revisited         607
Chapter Summary         621
Defined Terms         621

Chapter 16. Templates and Generic Programming      623
16.1 Template Definitions         624
16.2 Instantiation           636
16.3 Template Compilation Models       643
16.4 Class Template Members         647
16.5 A Generic Handle Class         666
16.6 Template Specializations         671
16.7 Overloading and Function Templates         679
Chapter Summary        683
Defined Terms         683
Part V. Advanced Topics      685

Chapter 17. Tools for Large Programs      687
17.1 Exception Handling         688
17.2 Namespaces           712
17.3 Multiple and Virtual Inheritance       731
Chapter Summary         748
Defined Terms         748

Chapter 18. Specialized Tools and Techniques      753
18.1 Optimizing Memory Allocation         754
18.2 Run-Time Type Identification         772
18.3 Pointer to Class Member         780
18.4 Nested Classes         786
18.5 Union: A Space-Saving Class         792
18.6 Local Classes         796
18.7 Inherently Nonportable Features         797
Chapter Summary         805
Defined Terms         805

Appendix A. The Library      809
A.1 Library Names and Headers         810
A.2 A Brief Tour of the Algorithms         811
A.3 The IO Library Revisited         825
Index      843