This Is Service Design Methods: A Companion to This Is Service Design Doing

Marc Stickdorn, Markus Edgar Hormess, Adam Lawrence, Jakob Schneider




In this book, you’ll find 54 hands-on descriptions that help you DO the key methods used in service design. These methods include instructions, guidelines, and tips-and-tricks for activities within research, ideation, prototyping, and facilitation. This is the print version of the method companion to the book This Is Service Design Doing (#TiSDD). It includes the same content that you can find free on the book website,, but nicely revisualized and presented in a professional bound format.

Caveat: While methods are the building blocks of a service design process, owning a pile of bricks does not make you an architect or even a bricklayer. Success in doing service design certainly requires a mastery of these methods. However, you must also be able to combine them into a process that fits the context and needs of your organization and guide people through this new way of working.

This book only contains the building blocks—the methods. It doesn’t detail how to assemble them into a cohesive design process or how to plan or manage it. Neither does it describe why people should invest in service design nor explain how to bring service design to life in your organization. For all of this (and more), please read This Is Service Design Doing.


在這本書中,您將找到54個實踐描述,幫助您實踐服務設計中使用的關鍵方法。這些方法包括研究、構思、原型和引導中的活動的指導、準則和技巧。這是書籍《This Is Service Design Doing》(#TiSDD)的方法伴侶的印刷版本。它包含了您可以在書籍網站tisdd.com上免費找到的相同內容,但以專業的裝訂格式重新呈現。


這本書只包含了構建服務設計過程的基石-方法。它不詳細介紹如何將它們組合成一個有條理的設計過程,也不解釋如何計劃或管理它。它也不描述為什麼人們應該投資於服務設計,也不解釋如何在您的組織中實現服務設計。有關所有這些(以及更多),請閱讀《This Is Service Design Doing》。