More Joel on Software: Further Thoughts on Diverse and Occasionally Related Matters That Will Prove (Paperback)
暫譯: 更多的 Joel on Software:關於多樣且偶爾相關的事務的進一步思考

Avram Joel Spolsky




Joel, Apress, Blogs, and Blooks

…I was learning the hard way about how to be a publisher and probably spending way too much time looking at web sites and programming than I should have in response to that. Anyway, one day I came across this web site called Joel on Software, which was run by a guy with strong opinions and an unusual, clever writing style, along with a willingness to take on the conventional wisdom. In particular, he was writing this ongoing series about how bad most user interfaces were—mostly because programmers by and large knew, as Joel and I would say, using the same Yiddish–derived NYC vernacular that we both share, “bupkis” about what users really want. And I, like many, was hooked both by the series and the occasional random essay that Joel wrote. And then I had this epiphany: I'm a publisher, I like reading his stuff, why not turn it into a book?…


Read the complete Foreword

— Gary Cornell, Cofounder, Apress

Since the release of the bestselling title Joel on Software in 2004, requests for a sequel have been relentless. So, we went back to the famed archives and pulled out a new batch of favorites, many of which have been downloaded over one million times. With Joel’s newest book, More Joel on Software, you’ll get an even better (not to mention updated) feast of Joel’s opinions and impressions on software development, software design, running a software business, and so much more.

This is a new selection of essays from the author’s web site,

Joel Spolsky started his web log in March 2000 in order to offer his insights, based on years of experience, on how to improve the world of programming. This web log has become infamous among the programming world, and is linked to more than 600 other web sites and translated into 30+ languages!

Spolsky’s extraordinary writing skills, technical knowledge, and caustic wit have made him a programming guru. With the success of Joel on Software, there has been a strong demand for additional gems and advice, and this book is the answer to those requests.

Containing a collection of all–new articles from the original, More Joel on Software has even more of an edge than the original, and the tips for running a business or managing people have far broader application than the software industry. We feel it is safe to say that this is the most useful book you will buy this year.

What you’ll learn

  • The best approaches to managing and hiring extraordinary people
  • Advice for those interested in the software industry as a career and for managers who want to get them
  • Joel’s unique impressions of how to create products and design—good and bad
  • An “in the trenches” look at how to start and run an effective software business (or any business for that matter)
  • A true sense of what it takes to create a differentiated, unique, motivated organization


Who is this book for?


Anyone interested in the software business will truly enjoy this book, but in particular this should be required reading for managers of technical businesses.




我在學習如何成為一名出版商的過程中,走了不少冤枉路,並且花了過多的時間在網站和程式設計上。無論如何,有一天我發現了一個名為Joel on Software的網站,這個網站由一位擁有強烈意見和獨特、聰明寫作風格的人運營,他願意挑戰傳統智慧。特別是,他在撰寫一系列關於大多數使用者介面有多糟糕的文章——主要是因為程式設計師普遍對使用者真正想要什麼知之甚少,正如Joel和我會說的,使用我們共同的源自意第緒語的紐約市方言,“bupkis”。我和許多人一樣,被這個系列和Joel偶爾寫的隨筆吸引住了。然後我有了這個頓悟:我是出版商,我喜歡讀他的作品,為什麼不把它變成一本書呢?…



— Gary Cornell, Apress聯合創始人

自從2004年暢銷書Joel on Software發行以來,對續集的要求不斷。於是,我們回到了著名的JoelonSoftware.com檔案,挑選出一批新的最愛,其中許多文章的下載次數超過一百萬次。隨著Joel最新的書籍More Joel on Software的推出,您將獲得更好(更不用說更新)的Joel對軟體開發、軟體設計、經營軟體業務等方面的意見和印象。


Joel Spolsky於2000年3月開始他的網誌,旨在根據多年的經驗提供改善程式設計世界的見解。這個網誌在程式設計界中聲名顯赫,並且與600多個其他網站鏈接,翻譯成30多種語言!

Spolsky卓越的寫作技巧、技術知識和尖銳的幽默使他成為程式設計的權威。隨著Joel on Software的成功,對於更多寶貴建議的需求強烈,而這本書正是對這些要求的回應。

包含所有全新文章的More Joel on Software比原版更具優勢,經營業務或管理人員的建議在軟體行業之外也有更廣泛的應用。我們可以安全地說,這是您今年會購買的最有用的書籍。


  • 管理和招聘卓越人才的最佳方法

  • 對於有意從事軟體行業的職業人士和希望招聘他們的管理者的建議

  • Joel對於如何創造產品和設計的獨特印象——好與壞

  • 從“戰壕”中看如何啟動和經營一個有效的軟體業務(或任何業務)

  • 真正了解創建一個有差異化、獨特且有動力的組織所需的條件



