Quantum Mechanics II: Advanced Topics
暫譯: 量子力學 II:進階主題
Rajasekar, S., Velusamy, R.
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2025-01-30
- 售價: $2,400
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,280
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 414
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 0367776421
- ISBN-13: 9780367776428
量子 Quantum
Quantum Mechanics II: Advanced Topics offers a comprehensive exploration of the state-of-the-art in various advanced topics of current research interest. A follow-up to the authors' introductory book Quantum Mechanics I: The Fundamentals, this book expounds basic principles, theoretical treatment, case studies, worked-out examples and applications of advanced topics including quantum technologies.
A thoroughly revised and updated this unique volume presents an in-depth and up-to-date progress on the growing topics including latest achievements on quantum technology. In the second edition six new chapters are included and the other ten chapters are extensively revised.
- Covers classical and quantum field theories, path integral formalism and supersymmetric quantum mechanics.
- Highlights coherent and squeezed states, Berry's phase, Aharonov--Bohm effect and Wigner function.
- Explores salient features of quantum entanglement and quantum cryptography.
- Presents basic concepts of quantum computers and the features of no-cloning theorem and quantum cloning machines.
- Describes the theory and techniques of quantum tomography, quantum simulation and quantum error correction.
- Introduces other novel topics including quantum versions of theory of gravity, cosmology, Zeno effect, teleportation, games, chaos and steering.
- Outlines the quantum technologies of ghost imaging, detection of weak amplitudes and displacements, lithography, metrology, teleportation of optical images, sensors, batteries and internet.
- Contains several worked-out problems and exercises in each chapter.
Quantum Mechanics II: Advanced Topics addresses various currently emerging exciting topics of quantum mechanics. It emphasizes the fundamentals behind the latest cutting-edge developments to help explain the motivation for deeper exploration. The book is a valuable resource for graduate students in physics and engineering wishing to pursue research in quantum mechanics.
《量子力學 II:進階主題》提供了對當前研究興趣中各種進階主題的全面探索。這本書是作者的入門書籍《量子力學 I:基本原理》的後續作品,詳細闡述了基本原則、理論處理、案例研究、具體範例及包括量子技術在內的進階主題的應用。
- 涵蓋經典和量子場論、路徑積分形式主義及超對稱量子力學。
- 突出相干態和擠壓態、貝里相位、阿哈羅諾夫-博姆效應及維格納函數。
- 探索量子糾纏和量子密碼學的顯著特徵。
- 介紹量子計算機的基本概念及無複製定理和量子複製機的特徵。
- 描述量子斷層成像、量子模擬和量子錯誤修正的理論和技術。
- 介紹其他新穎主題,包括重力理論的量子版本、宇宙學、齊諾效應、傳送、遊戲、混沌和引導。
- 概述鬼成像、微弱振幅和位移的檢測、光刻、計量學、光學影像的傳送、傳感器、電池和互聯網的量子技術。
- 每章包含若干具體問題和練習。
《量子力學 II:進階主題》探討了各種當前新興的量子力學激動人心的主題。它強調最新尖端發展背後的基本原理,以幫助解釋深入探索的動機。這本書是希望在量子力學領域進行研究的物理和工程研究生的寶貴資源。
S. Rajasekar received his B.Sc.and M.Sc. in Physics both from St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirapalli. He was awarded his Ph.D. degree from Bharathidasan University in 1992 under the supervision of Prof. M. Lakshmanan. In 1993, he joined as a Lecturer at the Department of Physics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. In 2003, the book Nonlinear Dynamics: Integrability, Chaos and Patterns written by Prof. M. Lakshmanan and the author was published by Springer. In 2005, he joined as a Professor at the School of Physics, Bharathidasan University. In 2016 Springer published Nonlinear Resonances written by Prof. Miguel A.F. Sanjuan and the author. In 2021 Professors U.E. Vincent, P.V.E. McClintock, I.A. Khovanov and the author compiled and edited two issues of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A on the theme Vibrational and Stochastic Resonances in Driven Nonlinear Systems. He has also edited Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics with Professors Jan Awrejecewicz and Minvydas Ragulskis, published by World Scientific in 2022. His recent research focuses on nonlinear dynamics with a special emphasize on nonlinear resonances. He has authored or co-authored more than 120 research papers in nonlinear dynamics.
R. Velusamy received his B.Sc. degree in Physics from the Ayya Nadar Janaki Am-mal College, Sivakasi in 1972 and M.Sc. in Physics from the P.S.G. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore in 1974. He worked as a demonstrator in the Department of Physics in P.S.G. Arts and Science College during 1974-77. He received an M.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai in the year 1981. In the same year, he joined in the Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College as an Assistant Professor in Physics. He was awarded a M.Phil. degree in Physics in the year 1988. He retired in the year 2010. His research topics are quantum confined systems and wave packet dynamics.
S. Rajasekar 於 Tiruchirapalli 的 St. Joseph's College 獲得物理學的學士及碩士學位。他於 1992 年在 M. Lakshmanan 教授的指導下,獲得 Bharathidasan University 的博士學位。1993 年,他加入 Tirunelveli 的 Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 物理系擔任講師。2003 年,M. Lakshmanan 教授與作者共同撰寫的書籍《Nonlinear Dynamics: Integrability, Chaos and Patterns》由 Springer 出版。2005 年,他在 Bharathidasan University 物理學院擔任教授。2016 年,Springer 出版了 Miguel A.F. Sanjuan 教授與作者共同撰寫的《Nonlinear Resonances》。2021 年,U.E. Vincent 教授、P.V.E. McClintock 教授、I.A. Khovanov 教授與作者編輯了兩期《Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A》,主題為「驅動非線性系統中的振動與隨機共振」。他還與 Jan Awrejecewicz 教授和 Minvydas Ragulskis 教授共同編輯了 2022 年由 World Scientific 出版的《Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics》。他最近的研究專注於非線性動力學,特別強調非線性共振。他已發表或共同發表超過 120 篇有關非線性動力學的研究論文。
R. Velusamy 於 1972 年在 Sivakasi 的 Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College 獲得物理學學士學位,並於 1974 年在 Coimbatore 的 P.S.G. Arts and Science College 獲得物理學碩士學位。他在 1974 至 1977 年期間擔任 P.S.G. Arts and Science College 物理系的示範員。1981 年,他在印度理工學院(Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai)獲得電機工程碩士學位。同年,他加入 Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College 擔任物理學助理教授。1988 年,他獲得物理學的 M.Phil. 學位。2010 年退休。他的研究主題包括量子限制系統和波包動力學。