OUTSOURCE : Competing in the Global Productivity Race (Hardcover)

Edward Yourdon




Table of Contents:

1. Introduction.

2. Key Factors Driving Outsourcing.


    The Influence of Lower-Cost Workers.

    Secondary Factors: Productivity and Quality.

    Additional Factors: Availability, Manageability, and So On.

    New Factor: Dramatic Improvements in Infrastructure.

    New Factor: Political Changes.

    New Factor: The Post-Dot-Com Recession.

3. Today’s Situation in It.


    Data Entry.

    Call Center/Help Desk.

    Maintenance/Enhancement Work and Infrastructure Admin Support.

    Traditional Software Development: Body Shop, Project, Full IT Department Replacement.

    Creation and Marketing of Software Products.

4. Additional Forms of Outsourcing.


     Data Entry: The Bottom of the Food Chain.

    Call-Center/Help-Desk Services.

    Back-Office Work.

    Clinical Trials.

    Insurance Claim Processing.

    Mortgage/Loan Applications.

    Tax Filing and Regulatory Filings.

    Financial/Market Research.

    Legal Work.

    Conclusion: What About Your Profession?

5. Likely Trends for the Next Decade


    Offshore IT and Call Centers Are Now Mainstream.

    Many Other Industries Are Where IT Was in the Mid-1990s.

    Work Is Expanding to Other Countries: China, Eastern Europe, and Others.

    Potential “External” Factors.

      Political Backlash.


      Economic Upheavals.

    Other Industries Provide Models.

    Possible Novel Twists on Outsourcing.

      Personal Outsourcing.

6. Implications for the Individual.


    Initial Caveats.

      Is Outsourcing a “Blip” or a “Sea Change”?

      It’s Unlikely to Be All-or-Nothing, Unless You’re in a One-Company Town.

      Political “Protection” Unlikely, at Least in the Short Term.

    Variations for the Individual.

      Age, Years of Experience.


      “Commodity” Nature of Skills/Profession.

      Flexibility: The Ability to Shift Quickly.


      Be Proactive.

      Quantify and Protect Your “Cost-Benefit” Value Proposition.

      Look for Innovative or Specialized Niches.

      Be Prepared to Work Harder.

      Be Prepared to Relocate.

      Consider Going Out on Your Own.

      Consider a Career Change.

    Ethical Issues.

    What Should You Tell Your Kids?

7. Implications for Companies Supplying Knowledge-Based Services.


    General Strategies.

    Revisiting the Strategies for Individuals.

      Be Proactive.

      Quantify Your “Cost-Benefit” Value Proposition.

      Look for Innovative or Specialized Niches.

      Be Prepared to Work Harder.

      Be Prepared to Relocate Geographically.

      Consider Starting Your Own Business.

      Consider Changing Careers.

    If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them.

8. Implications for Companies Buying Knowledge-Based Products or Services.


    Traditional Outsourcing Issues.

      Don’t Outsource Core Competencies.

      Don’t Outsource What You Can’t Manage In-house.

      Start Small, with a Pilot Project.

      Measure Your Expectations with Service Level Agreements.

    Learn from Veterans.

    Peopleware Issues.

      Give Your Employees a Chance to Compete.

      Don’t Expect Employees to be Dupes.

      Treat Outsourced Employees Honestly and Fairly.

9. Implications for Government and Society.


    Objectives and Strategic Focus.

      The Wal-Mart Factor.

       What Role Should the Nation’s Leaders Play?

      Strategic Focus: Top Down or Bottom Up?


      A Non-Jobs Protectionist Issue: Security and Privacy.

    National Investment in What Makes Us Competitive.

      Encourage Immigration.

      Invest in Education.

      Invest in Infrastructure.

      Change Tax/Accounting Rules to Encourage Long-Term Investment in Workers and Productivity Improvement.


10. Conclusion.


    Other Issues Besides Offshore Outsourcing.

    America Itself Practiced Offshore Outsourcing of Knowledge-Based Products and Services.

    Outsourcing Is Not a New Phenomenon.

    Your Future Is in Your Hands.




1. 簡介。
2. 推動外包的關鍵因素。
- 簡介。
- 低成本勞工的影響。
- 次要因素:生產力和品質。
- 附加因素:可用性、可管理性等等。
- 新因素:基礎設施的巨大改善。
- 新因素:政治變革。
- 新因素:後互聯網泡沫衰退。
3. IT行業的現狀。
- 簡介。
- 資料輸入。
- 呼叫中心/幫助台。
- 維護/增強工作和基礎設施管理支援。
- 傳統軟體開發:外包、專案、完全取代IT部門。
- 軟體產品的創建和行銷。
4. 其他形式的外包。
- 簡介。
- 資料輸入:食物鏈的底層。
- 呼叫中心/幫助台服務。
- 辦公室後勤工作。
- 臨床試驗。
- 保險理賠處理。
- 抵押貸款申請。