Proceedings of International Conference on Data, Electronics and Computing: Icdec 2022
暫譯: 國際數據、電子與計算會議論文集:Icdec 2022
Das, Nibaran, Binong, Juwesh, Krejcar, Ondrej
- 出版商: Springer
- 出版日期: 2024-11-23
- 售價: $9,860
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $9,367
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 501
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 9819915112
- ISBN-13: 9789819915118
本書收錄了在2022年9月7日至9日於印度梅加拉亞邦希隆的北東山大學電子與通信工程系、計算機應用系及生物醫學工程系所主辦的國際數據電子與計算會議(ICDEC 2022)上發表的高品質、經過同行評審的研究論文。本書涵蓋了通信、網絡與安全、影像、視頻與信號處理;雲計算、物聯網與智慧城市、人工智慧/機器學習、大數據與數據挖掘、超大規模集成電路設計、天線、微波與控制等主題。
Nibaran Das received his B.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology from Kalyani University, M.C.S.E. and Ph.D. (Engineering) degrees from Jadavpur University in 2003, 2005, and 2012, respectively. He joined in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Jadavpur University in 2006. Dr. Das has published more than 140 research articles in various international journals, conference proceedings, and chapters in the areas of pattern recognition and image analysis using different machine learning and deep learning techniques. He has co-authored three books. He has supervised around 40 Master degree students till date. He is supervising six Ph.D. students at present in the field of medical and document image processing. He has successfully completed five different projects as a principal Investigator. He has also worked as a co-supervisor in three different projects. He has been a member of the advisory/program/organizing committees of different reputed International conferences and workshops
Juwesh Binong is an assistant professor at the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) in the North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, India. He received his Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from the Bhavanagar University, Gujarat, India, in 1999; M.Sc. in Information Technology from the Sikkim Manipal University in 2007, and Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from the Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, India, in 2017. His research interests are in the areas of artificial intelligence and its applications.
Ondrej Krejcar is a full professor in systems engineering and informatics at the University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Informatics and Management, Center for Basic and Applied Research, Czech Republic, and a research fellow at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In2008 he received his Ph.D. title in technical cybernetics at Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. He is currently a vice-rector for science and creative activities of the University of Hradec Kralove from June 2020. At present, he is also a director of the Center for Basic and Applied Research at the University of Hradec Kralove. In years 2016-2020, he was the vice-dean for science and research at Faculty of Informatics and Management, UHK. His h-index is 21, with more than 1800 citations received in the Web of Science, where more than 120 IF journal articles are indexed in JCR index. In 2018, he was the 14th top peer reviewer in Multidisciplinary in the World according to Publons and a top reviewer in the Global Peer Review Awards 2019 by Publons. Currently, he is on the editorial board of the MDPI Sensors IF journal (Q1/Q2 at JCR) and several other ESCI indexed journals. He is a vice-leader and Management Committee member at WG4 at project COST CA17136, since 2018. He hasalso been a Management Committee member substitute at project COST CA16226 since 2017. Since 2019, he has been the chairman of the Program Committee of the KAPPA Program, Technological Agency of the Czech Republic as a regulator of the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism in the Czech Republic (2019-2024). Since 2020, he has been the chairman of the Panel 1 (Computer, Physical, and Chemical Sciences) of the ZETA Program, Technological Agency of the Czech Republic. Since 2014 until 2019, he has been the deputy chairman of the Panel 7 (Processing Industry, Robotics, and Electrical Engineering) of the Epsilon Program, Technological Agency of the Czech Republic. At the University of Hradec Kralove, he is a guarantee of the doctoral study program in Applied Informatics, where he is focusing on lecturing on Smart Approaches to the Development of Information Systems and Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. His research interests include control systems, smart sensors, ubiquitous computing, manufacturing, wireless technology, portable devices, biomedicine, image segmentation and recognition, biometrics, technical cybernetics, and ubiquitous computing. His second area of interest is in biomedicine (image analysis), as well as biotelemetric system architecture (portable device architecture, wireless biosensors), development of applications for mobile devices with use of remote or embedded biomedical sensors.
Debotosh Bhattacharjee is working as a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jadavpur University, with sixteen years of post-Ph.D. experience. His research interests pertain to the applications of machine learning techniques for face recognition, gait analysis, hand geometry recognition, and diagnostic image analysis. He has authored or co-authored more than 312 journals, conference publications, including several chapters in the areas of biometrics and medical image processing. Two US patents have beengranted on his works. Prof. Bhattacharjee has been granted sponsored projects by the Govt. of India funding agencies like Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), and University Grants Commission(UGC) with a total amount of around INR 3 Crore. For postdoctoral research, Dr. Bhattacharjee has visited different universities abroad like the University of Twente, The Netherlands; Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal; University of Bologna, Italy; ITMO National Research University, St. Petersburg, Russia; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, and Heidelberg University, Germany. He is a life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE, New Delhi), Indian Unit for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IUPRAI), a senior member of IEEE (USA), and a fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology.
Nibaran Das於2003年獲得Kalyani University的計算機科學與技術學士學位,並於2005年和2012年分別獲得Jadavpur University的碩士學位(M.C.S.E.)和工程博士學位(Ph.D.)。他於2006年加入Jadavpur University的計算機科學與工程系。Das博士在模式識別和影像分析領域發表了超過140篇研究文章,涵蓋各種國際期刊、會議論文集及書籍章節,使用不同的機器學習和深度學習技術。他共同撰寫了三本書籍,至今指導了約40名碩士生。目前,他正在指導六名博士生,專注於醫療和文檔影像處理。他作為主要研究者成功完成了五個不同的項目,並在三個不同的項目中擔任共同指導。他曾是多個知名國際會議和研討會的諮詢/程序/組織委員會成員。
Juwesh Binong是印度Shillong的北東山大學(NEHU)電子與通信工程系的助理教授。他於1999年獲得印度古吉拉特邦Bhavanagar University的電子與通信工程學士學位(B.E.),於2007年獲得Sikkim Manipal University的信息技術碩士學位(M.Sc.),並於2017年獲得印度Assam州Tezpur University的計算機科學與工程博士學位(Ph.D.)。他的研究興趣集中在人工智慧及其應用領域。
Ondrej Krejcar是捷克共和國Hradec Kralove大學系統工程與資訊學的全職教授,並在馬來西亞科技大學的馬來西亞-日本國際技術研究所擔任研究員。他於2008年在捷克共和國Ostrava技術大學獲得技術控制論的博士學位(Ph.D.)。自2020年6月起,他擔任Hradec Kralove大學的科學與創新活動副校長。目前,他也是Hradec Kralove大學基礎與應用研究中心的主任。在2016年至2020年間,他擔任Hradec Kralove大學資訊學與管理學院的科學與研究副院長。他的h指數為21,在Web of Science中獲得超過1800次引用,其中超過120篇IF期刊文章被JCR索引。2018年,他被評為全球多學科領域的第14位頂尖同行評審,並在2019年獲得Publons全球同行評審獎的頂尖評審。目前,他是MDPI Sensors IF期刊(JCR的Q1/Q2)及其他幾本ESCI索引期刊的編輯委員會成員。自2018年以來,他是COST CA17136項目WG4的副領導和管理委員會成員。自2017年以來,他也是COST CA16226項目的管理委員會成員替代。自2019年以來,他擔任捷克共和國技術機構KAPPA計畫的程序委員會主席,該計畫是捷克共和國EEA/挪威財政機制的監管機構(2019-2024)。自2020年以來,他擔任捷克共和國技術機構ZETA計畫的Panel 1(計算機、物理和化學科學)主席。自2014年至2019年,他擔任捷克共和國技術機構Epsilon計畫的Panel 7(加工工業、機器人技術和電氣工程)副主席。在Hradec Kralove大學,他是應用資訊學博士學位課程的保證人,專注於智慧方法在資訊系統和無所不在計算環境中的應用開發。他的研究興趣包括控制系統、智慧感測器、無所不在計算、製造、無線技術、可攜式設備、生物醫學、影像分割與識別、生物識別技術、技術控制論及無所不在計算。他的第二個研究興趣領域是生物醫學(影像分析),以及生物遙測系統架構(可攜式設備架構、無線生物感測器),以及開發使用遠端或嵌入式生物醫學感測器的行動設備應用。
Debotosh Bhattacharjee在Jadavpur University的計算機科學與工程系擔任全職教授,擁有十六年的博士後經驗。他的研究興趣涉及機器學習技術在臉部識別、步態分析、手部幾何識別和診斷影像分析中的應用。他已發表或共同發表超過312篇期刊和會議論文,包括多篇生物識別和醫療影像處理領域的章節。他的研究成果獲得了兩項美國專利。Bhattacharjee教授獲得了印度政府資助機構如生物技術部(DBT)、電子與信息技術部(DeitY)和大學補助委員會(UGC)提供的贊助項目,總金額約為300萬印度盧比。為了進行博士後研究,Bhattacharjee博士曾訪問多所國外大學,如荷蘭的Twente大學、葡萄牙的Instituto Superior Técnico、意大利的Bologna大學、俄羅斯的ITMO國立研究大學、斯洛文尼亞的盧布爾雅那大學、英國的Northumbria大學和德國的海德堡大學。他是印度技術教育學會(ISTE, New Delhi)、印度模式識別與人工智慧單位(IUPRAI)的終身會員,並且是IEEE(美國)的資深會員,以及西孟加拉科學與技術學院的院士。