Management of Information Security, 6/e (IE-Paperback)【內含Access Code,經刮除不受退】

Michael E. Whitman , Herbert J. Mattord

  • 出版商: Cengage Learning
  • 出版日期: 2019-01-01
  • 定價: $1,120
  • 售價: 9.8$1,098
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 752
  • ISBN: 9814834734
  • ISBN-13: 9789814834735
  • 相關分類: 資訊安全
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




    This sixth edition of Management of Information Security tightens its focus on the managerial aspects of information security, continues to expand the coverage of governance and compliance issues, and continues to reduce the coverage of foundational and technical components. While retaining enough foundational material to allow reinforcement of key concepts, this edition has fewer technical examples. This edition also contains updated in-depth discussions and Offline features, and additional coverage in key managerial areas: risk management, information security governance, access control models, and information security program assessment and metrics.
    The material on personnel management has been consolidated and reorganized. Personnel placement, staffing, and credentials are now covered in Chapter 5, and employment practices are discussed in Chapter 9. Digital forensics is now covered in Chapter 2.
    In general, the entire text has been updated and re-organized to reflect changes in the field, including revisions to sections on national and international laws and standards, such as the ISO 27000 series, among others. Throughout the text, the content has been updated, with newer and more relevant examples and discussions. A complete coverage matrix of the topics in this edition is available to instructors to enable mapping of the previous coverage to the new structure. Please contact your sales representative for access to the matrix.


●CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY PROFESSIONALS (CISSP) AND CERTIFIED INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGERS (CISM) INFORMATION INTEGRATED THROUGHOUT. The authors have carefully incorporated both CISSP and CISM bodies of knowledge throughout the text to prepare your students for certification. Chapter scenarios follow a fictional company as it encounters various information security issues. Meaningful group discussion questions follow each scenario to prompt lively classroom dialogue and debate.
●WRITTEN BY SECURITY PROFESSIONALS. This text and its ancillary features were meticulously designed by security professionals who are also teaching faculty members. Their experiences and expertise from classroom and industry are woven throughout chapter content to provide instructors with a well-designed, comprehensive security management instructional tool, complete with modern virtual ancillaries and teaching support aids. The text reflects key industry trends and issues, while facilitating the organization, delivery and assessment of student knowledge.
●"VIEWPOINT" ESSAYS ILLUSTRATE INTRUIGING TOPICS. Written by security practitioners and academics, Viewpoint essays in each chapter use real-world examples to illustrate chapter concepts at work in today's business environments.
●ACTIVITIES, QUESTIONS AND PROJECTS REINFORCE SKILLS. Your students have numerous opportunities to apply what they are learning with in-depth review questions, hands-on activities and case projects in every chapter.
●EMPHASIS ON KEY EXECUTIVE AND MANAGERIAL ASPECTS OF INFORMATION SECURITY. As they progress through the text, students build on their strong foundation of key concepts and become proficient in the most important areas of information security and management.



本書第六版《資訊安全管理》將焦點集中在資訊安全的管理層面,持續擴展治理和合規問題的涵蓋範圍,並減少基礎和技術組件的涵蓋範圍。本版保留了足夠的基礎材料以加強關鍵概念,但減少了技術示例。本版還包含更新的深入討論和離線功能,以及在關鍵管理領域的其他涵蓋範圍:風險管理、資訊安全治理、存取控制模型以及資訊安全計劃評估和指標。人事管理的內容已經整合和重新組織。人員配置、人員配備和資格現在在第5章中討論,就業實踐則在第9章中討論。數位取證現在在第2章中討論。整體而言,整個文本已經更新和重新組織,以反映該領域的變化,包括對國家和國際法律和標準的修訂,例如ISO 27000系列等。在整個文本中,內容已經更新,提供了更新且更相關的示例和討論。本版的主題完整涵蓋矩陣可供教師使用,以將先前的涵蓋範圍映射到新的結構。請聯繫您的銷售代表以獲取矩陣的訪問權限。


● 整合了CISSP(Certified Information Systems Security Professionals)和CISM(Certified Information Security Managers)的資訊。作者精心將CISSP和CISM的知識體系融入整個文本,以準備學生的認證考試。每章的情境設定跟隨一家虛構公司遇到各種資訊安全問題的情景。有意義的小組討論問題跟隨每個情景,以促進活躍的課堂對話和辯論。

● 由安全專業人士撰寫。這本書及其附屬功能是由同時是教學教師的安全專業人士精心設計的。他們在課堂和行業中的經驗和專業知識貫穿於章節內容,為教師提供了一個設計良好、全面的安全管理教學工具,配備現代虛擬附屬品和教學支援工具。該文本反映了行業的主要趨勢和問題,同時促進學生知識的組織、傳遞和評估。

● 「觀點」文章展示有趣的主題。每章的觀點文章由安全從業人員和學者撰寫,使用實際案例來說明當今商業環境中的章節概念。

● 活動、問題和專案強化技能。學生有很多機會應用他們所學的知識,每章都有深入的復習問題、實踐活動和案例專案。

● 強調資訊安全的關鍵執行和管理方面。隨著學生進一步學習,他們在關鍵概念的基礎上建立能力,熟練掌握資訊安全和管理的最重要領域。


1. Introduction to Management of Information Security
2. Compliance: Law and Ethics
3. Governance and Strategic Planning for Security
4. Information Security Policy
5. Developing the Security Program
6. Risk Management: Identifying and Assessing Risk
7. Risk Management: Controlling Risk
8. Security Management Models
9. Security Management Practices
10. Planning for Contingencies
11. Security Maintenance 
12. Protection Mechanisms


1. 信息安全管理介紹
2. 遵從:法律與倫理
3. 安全治理與戰略規劃
4. 信息安全政策
5. 開發安全計劃
6. 風險管理:識別和評估風險
7. 風險管理:控制風險
8. 安全管理模型
9. 安全管理實踐
10. 災難應變計劃
11. 安全維護
12. 保護機制