Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives: Proceedings of the 43rd Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference

Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin, Demir, Ender, Danis, Hakan

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-11-22
  • 售價: $7,580
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,201
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 320
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031641396
  • ISBN-13: 9783031641398
  • 相關分類: 經濟學 Economy
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購



EBES conferences have been an intellectual hub for academic discussion in economics, finance, and business fields and provide network opportunities for participants to make long-lasting academic cooperation. This volume of Springer's book series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers presented at the 43rd EBES Conference, held in Madrid (Spain) in April 2023. The conference was organized with the support of the Istanbul Economic Research Association (Turkey) in hybrid mode with both online and in-person presentations at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Both theoretical and empirical papers in this volume cover diverse areas of business, economics, and finance from many different regions. Therefore, it provides a great opportunity for colleagues, professionals, and students to catch up with the most recent studies in different fields and empirical findings in many countries and regions.


EBES 會議一直是經濟學、金融學和商業領域學術討論的智識中心,並為參與者提供了建立持久學術合作的網絡機會。本書系列《歐亞商業與經濟研究》的這一卷收錄了在 2023 年 4 月於西班牙馬德里舉行的第 43 屆 EBES 會議上發表的選定論文。此次會議在土耳其伊斯坦堡經濟研究協會的支持下,以混合模式舉行,包含線上和在西班牙馬德里康普頓斯大學經濟與商業學院的現場報告。本卷中的理論與實證論文涵蓋了來自不同地區的商業、經濟和金融的多樣領域。因此,這為同事、專業人士和學生提供了一個絕佳的機會,以了解不同領域的最新研究和許多國家及地區的實證發現。


Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin is a Professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University (Turkey). He has also held visiting faculty positions at Indiana University in Indianapolis (USA), Jacksonville University (USA), Zagreb University (Croatia), and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Prof. Bilgin has published many articles in reputable international journals. Among other several editorial duties, he serves as the Subject Editor in the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money and as the Associate Editor in the Singapore Economic Review. He is the founder and current Chairman of the Istanbul Economic Research Association, and the founder and current Vice President of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES, Turkey). He has also been active as a consultant to several institutions, as a newspaper columnist, and featured in several television programs.

Ender Demir is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Department of Business Administration, School of Social Sciences, Reykjavik University (Iceland). Dr. Demir is the founder and conference coordinator of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). He serves as the Associate Editor of the Eurasian Business Review (Springer) and as a Subject Editor of the Journal of Multinational Financial Management. He has published his research in peer-reviewed international journals such as the Annals of Tourism Research, Emerging Markets Review, Finance Research Letters, and Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. His research interests are in corporate finance, cryptocurrencies, financial economics, and tourism economics

Dr. Hakan Danis is the Head of Macro Scenario Design at Citi. Prior to this position, he was the Director in Economic Scenarios and OpRisk Modeling at MUFG (USA) and worked at the Spanish multinational global bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) in USA as Senior Economist. He is one of the founders and first President of EBES. He also worked at Kadir Has University (Turkey) as research assistant. He has published articles in many of the leading economics and finance journals and currently serves as the Managing Editor of Eurasian Economic Review (a Springer Journal) which is indexed in SCOPUS. He was guest editor at Emerging Markets Finance & Trade (EMFT) (SSCI) and Singapore Economic Review (SER) (SSCI) multiple times and published several academic books. His current research and teaching interests include monetary policy, nonlinear applied time series, risk management in financial institutions and macroeconomics. He holds a PhD in Economics from University of Georgia (USA), M.A. and B.A. in Economics from Marmara University (Turkey).

Manuel García Goñi is Professor of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Complutense University of Madrid. He holds a PhD in Economics and a Master's degree in Political Economy from Boston University, specialising in Health Economics and Industrial Economics. He has hold visiting positions at Columbia University, Australian National University, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, University of Bologna or Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara. Manuel has published articles in journals, among others, Value in Health, Research Policy or Heath Economics, and has leaded at UCM numerous competitive research projects. His research has been funded by prestigious institutions in several countries, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (United States), the Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy (Australia), or in Spain from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, or Fundación Ramón Areces. Besides, Manuel has worked with the Nobel Prize in Economics Joseph Stiglitz.


Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin 是土耳其伊斯坦堡文明大學的教授。他曾在美國印第安納州的印第安納大學、美國傑克遜維爾大學、克羅埃西亞的薩格勒布大學以及新加坡的南洋理工大學擔任訪問教職。Bilgin 教授在多本國際知名期刊上發表了許多文章。除了其他編輯職務外,他擔任《國際金融市場、機構與貨幣期刊》的主題編輯,以及《新加坡經濟評論》的副編輯。他是伊斯坦堡經濟研究協會的創始人及現任主席,也是歐亞商業與經濟學會(EBES,土耳其)的創始人及現任副主席。他還擔任多個機構的顧問,並作為報紙專欄作家,參與多個電視節目。

Ender Demir 是冰島雷克雅維克大學社會科學院商業管理系的金融副教授。Demir 博士是歐亞商業與經濟學會(EBES)的創始人及會議協調員。他擔任《歐亞商業評論》(Springer)的副編輯,以及《跨國金融管理期刊》的主題編輯。他的研究發表在多本經過同行評審的國際期刊上,如《旅遊研究年刊》、《新興市場評論》、《金融研究快報》和《國際金融市場、機構與貨幣期刊》。他的研究興趣包括企業金融、加密貨幣、金融經濟學和旅遊經濟學。

Hakan Danis 博士是花旗集團宏觀情境設計部的負責人。在此之前,他曾擔任 MUFG(美國)的經濟情境與操作風險建模部門的主任,並在美國的西班牙跨國銀行比爾包維斯卡亞阿根廷銀行(BBVA)擔任高級經濟學家。他是 EBES 的創始人之一及首任主席。他還曾在土耳其的卡迪爾哈斯大學擔任研究助理。他在許多領先的經濟學和金融期刊上發表過文章,並目前擔任《歐亞經濟評論》(Springer 期刊)的主編,該期刊已被 SCOPUS 索引。他曾多次擔任《新興市場金融與貿易》(EMFT)(SSCI)和《新加坡經濟評論》(SER)(SSCI)的客座編輯,並出版了幾本學術書籍。他目前的研究和教學興趣包括貨幣政策、非線性應用時間序列、金融機構的風險管理和宏觀經濟學。他擁有美國喬治亞大學的經濟學博士學位,以及土耳其馬爾馬拉大學的經濟學碩士和學士學位。

Manuel García Goñi 是馬德里康普頓斯大學經濟與商業管理學院的應用經濟學教授。他擁有經濟學博士學位和波士頓大學的政治經濟碩士學位,專攻健康經濟學和產業經濟學。他曾在哥倫比亞大學、澳大利亞國立大學、里斯本新大學、博洛尼亞大學和蒂米什瓦拉西部大學擔任訪問職位。Manuel 在《健康價值》、《研究政策》或《健康經濟學》等期刊上發表了多篇文章,並在 UCM 領導了多個競爭性研究項目。他的研究得到了多個國家著名機構的資助,如國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)、歐洲委員會、泛美開發銀行(IDB)、美國醫療保險與醫療補助服務中心、澳大利亞的米切爾健康與教育政策研究所,以及西班牙的科學與技術部、財政研究所或拉蒙·阿雷塞斯基金會。此外,Manuel 還曾與諾貝爾經濟學獎得主約瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨合作。
