Skin Necrosis

Téot, Luc, Meaume, Sylvie, Akita, Sadanori

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-30
  • 售價: $2,310
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,195
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 617
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031609530
  • ISBN-13: 9783031609534
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購


This successful book, now Open Access in its second edition, was the first to discuss skin necrosis as a symptom related to a broad range of pathologies. In recent years, wound care has gained increasing recognition as a distinct medical specialty. An understanding of the complex mechanisms involved in wound healing facilitates efficient assessment and treatment of patients with wounds, and skin necrosis can be considered the starting point in the entire healing process.
Richly illustrated, this volume primarily provides therapeutic strategies and treatment algorithms for different clinical contexts, covering topics in distinct part: starting from definitions, physiopathology, vascular and imaging investigations, it then examines skin necrosis in its diverse clinical context, each assigned to a specific part: whether originated from physical injuries, of toxic origin, of medical or infectious nature, the content then shifts from the clinical context to the more specifically surgical context, and the application of existing techniques from dressing to debriding, including sharp and conservative ones. Dedicated sections deal with the pediatric and the elderly patients, closing the volume with a part on debridement education, from the perspective of the nurse and the physician, and finally a chapter on distance skin necrosis management, in the light of e-Health and personalized medicine.
All chapters were written by renowned specialists in their respected fields and include detailed sample cases and essential take-home messages; the topics that require an in-depth approach are extensively covered, whereas clinical chapters are more essential, focusing on practicality. In light of the highly interdisciplinary nature of wound management, this new, updated edition of Skin Necrosis will be a much-valued tool for wound care practitioners and health care professionals across the fields of surgery, dermatology, internal medicine, and nursing.






Luc Téot, MD, PhD, is Professor of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Burns, Wound Healing at Montpellier University Hospital. He has been promoting wound healing and scar management since he founded the French Wound Healing Society in 1995. He was elected president of the European Tissue Repair Society (1998-2000) and then president of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (2004-2008). He is also president of the Academy of Wound Technology, and was coordinator of the Scar Club (2006-2017). He has contributed to 12 international books as coeditor, chapter writer or editor, is Editor in Chief and board member to related national and international journals.

Sylvie Meaume, MD, PhD, is specialized in Dermatology and Geriatrics, she is team lead at the Geriatric Unit for Wound and Scarring management, at the Hôpital Rothschild (APHP) in Paris.​ Vice-president of the French and Francophone Society for Wounds and Healing (SFFPC), she is also a Professor at the Sorbonne University and responsible for the University Diploma in Wounds and Scar Management at the Pierre and Marie Curie Faculty of Medicine in Paris. Sylvie Meume is the author of several books intended for all practitioners dealing with wounds, (such as surgeons, dermatologists, vascular doctors, geriatricians, pharmacists and nurses) as well as more than 150 articles in specialized journals indexed on pubmed. She is a key player in the dissemination of knowledge in the medical and scientific environment; among her contributions are countless lectures at congresses and conferences as well as presentations aimed at the general public.

Sadanori Akita is currently Professor of Fukuoka University, Faculty of Medicine and he did his residency in plastic surgery at Nagasaki University Hospital. He received his PhD from the Graduate School of Nagasaki University specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery. He later did a research fellowship at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under supervision of Shlomo Melmed MD on a cytokine expression and its regulation in vivo by using a transgenic animal model. He serves as a general secretary of World Union of Wound Healing Societies, which will be held in Yokohama, September 2-6, 2012, and will be president of the world union of wound healing societies, for the years of 2012 to 2016. He is the president of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) from September 2012 to September 2016 and currently the president of the Asian Wound Care Association (AWCA). His research interests include: cytokines and stem cells in wound healing, difficult wound healing (radiation injury), regenerative tissue enhancement to HIV-drug related-wasting patients, reconstructive surgery, burn and craniofacial surgery. His list of publications includes 110 peer-reviewed English original articles, 20 English overviews and 25 English-book chapters with 8 editorships of the books and lead the two study sectors funded by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on vascular anomaly and on cybernic medicine.

Veronique del Marmol is Head of the Department of Dermatology at Hospital Erasme, HUB, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Skin cancer, inflammatory diseases, wound healing and non-invasive imaging are the main areas of interest for Professor del Marmol. In recognition of her work in these fields, she has been awarded many scholarships and grants, including the Major Roche Dermatology Fundamental Research Award. She authored and co-authored more than 215 137 peer reviewed articles and 7 books (H index 55- 12199 citations) and in particular in Experimental Dermatology, Journal Investigative dermatology, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV), Nature and New England Journal of Medicine. Since 2009 she is leading at the European level the European skin cancer prevention campaign EUROMELANOMA. She is a founding member of European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation and leading the European registry for Hidradenitis suppurativa. She is board member of the European dermatology forum (EDF), the European Academy of Dermato-oncology (EADO), the European Pigment cell society (ESPCR), and chair of the project and fellowship committee (PPRC) at EADV . She is actually president of the Belgian society of dermatology and she is member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine since 2014.

Sebastian Probst is Full Professor of Tissue Viability and Wound Care at the Geneva School of Health Sciences, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, the Medical Faculty of the University of Geneva and the University Hospital of Geneva. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Sebastian Probst began his nursing career in Zurich over 20 years ago, and pursued his Master's in Nursing Science at the University of Basel and attained his Doctorate in Clinical Practice at the University of Guildford in the U.K., and completed his Post-Doctorate at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. He saw that patients with chronic and palliative wounds needed support and guidance to alleviate their wound related symptoms, to prevent recurrences and ultimately to enhance their quality of life. His research contributes to a person-centered care approach to develop best practice wound care, patient education, social support and self-efficacy in wound patients and their families. Prof. Probst actively lectures and mentors Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. students. He has collaborative projects in Switzerland and internationally, and is President of the European Wound Management Association, the Vice-President of the Swiss Association for Wound Care and a Council Member of Wound DACH. In all associations he has leading roles in projects & document development.


Luc Téot, MD, PhD,是蒙彼利埃大學醫院整形重建外科教授兼整形外科、燒傷和傷口癒合科主任。自1995年創立法國傷口癒合學會以來,他一直致力於傷口癒合和疤痕管理的推廣。他曾當選為歐洲組織修復學會主席(1998-2000),並擔任世界傷口癒合學會主席(2004-2008)。他還是傷口技術學院的主席,並擔任疤痕俱樂部的協調人(2006-2017)。他作為共同編輯、章節作者或編輯,為12本國際書籍做出了貢獻,並擔任相關國家和國際期刊的主編和編委會成員。

Sylvie Meaume, MD, PhD,專攻皮膚科和老年醫學,她是巴黎羅斯柴爾德醫院(APHP)老年傷口和疤痕管理團隊的負責人。她是法國和法語傷口和癒合學會(SFFPC)的副主席,也是巴黎索邦大學的教授,負責巴黎皮爾和瑪麗居里醫學院的傷口和疤痕管理大學文憑課程。Sylvie Meume是幾本針對處理傷口的醫生(如外科醫生、皮膚科醫生、血管醫生、老年醫生、藥劑師和護士)的書籍的作者,並在pubmed上發表了150多篇專業期刊文章。她在醫學和科學環境中傳播知識方面扮演著重要角色;她在會議和研討會上發表了無數演講,並進行了面向大眾的演示。

Sadanori Akita目前是福岡大學醫學院的教授,他在長崎大學醫院進行了整形外科住院醫師培訓。他在長崎大學研究生院獲得了博士學位,專攻整形和重建外科。之後,他在加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)的辛辛那提醫學中心進行了一項研究研究,該研究使用轉基因動物模型研究細胞因子的表達及其在體內的調節。他擔任世界傷口癒合學會的秘書長,該會議將於2012年9月2日至6日在橫濱舉行,並將擔任2012年至2016年的世界傷口癒合學會主席。他是2012年9月至2016年9月的世界傷口癒合學會(WUWHS)主席,目前是亞洲傷口護理協會(AWCA)的主席。他的研究興趣包括:細胞因子和幹細胞在傷口癒合中的作用,困難傷口癒合(輻射損傷),對HIV藥物相關消耗症患者的再生組織增強,重建外科,燒傷和顱面外科。他的發表文章包括110篇經同行評審的英文原始文章,20篇英文綜述和25篇英文書籍章節,其中8篇為編輯,並領導了兩個由日本衛生勞動省資助的研究領域,分別是血管畸形和人機融合醫學。

Veronique del Marmol是比利時布魯塞爾自由大學醫院Erasme醫院皮膚科主任。皮膚癌、炎症性疾病、傷口癒合和非侵入性成像是del Marmol教授的主要研究領域。為了表彰她在這些領域的工作,她獲得了許多獎學金和資助,包括羅氏皮膚科基礎研究獎。她撰寫和合著了215篇以上的同行評審文章和7本書籍(H指數55-12199次引用),尤其在《實驗皮膚科學》、《皮膚科學研究雜誌》、《歐洲皮膚科學院雜誌》(JEADV)、《自然》和《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》等期刊上發表。自2009年以來,她在歐洲層面上領導了歐洲皮膚癌預防運動EUROMELANOM。