University-Community Partnerships for Transformative Education: Sowing Seeds of Resistance and Renewal

Welsh Mahmood, Mara, Elaine, Marjorie, Cano, John


This open access edited volume reports on a unique network of innovative in-school and out-of-school programs, University-Community Links. UC Links connects university faculty and students with young people and their families in diverse communities around the world. Chapters in this volume describe programs in California and Utah in the United States as well as Germany, Italy, Spain, Uganda, and Uruguay. Together, authors craft stories of transformative models of education and what is possible when we bridge educational research and practice. Chapters offer strategies for co-creating learning environments that are innovative, collaborative, democratic, equity-oriented, and fun. By drawing lessons from authors' collective and local histories, this volume helps to re-imagine educational practices, policies, and programs.


這本開放存取的編輯專書報告了一個獨特的學校內外創新計畫網絡,名為「大學社區連結」(University-Community Links)。UC Links將大學教職員和學生與世界各地不同社區的年輕人及其家庭聯繫起來。本書的章節描述了美國加州和猶他州以及德國、意大利、西班牙、烏干達和烏拉圭的計畫。作者們共同創作了教育變革模式的故事,並探討了當我們將教育研究與實踐相結合時可能實現的可能性。章節提供了共同創造創新、合作、民主、公平和有趣的學習環境的策略。通過從作者們的集體和當地歷史中獲取經驗教訓,本書有助於重新想像教育實踐、政策和計畫。


Mara Welsh Mahmood is Executive Director of University-Community Links (UC Links) in the Berkeley School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley and has been involved with UC Links since its inception in 1996.. She is the co-author of another book about the UC Links network: A Cultural Historical Approach to Social Displacement and University-Community Engagement: Emerging Research and Opportunities.

Marjorie Elaine (formerly Marjorie Elaine Faulstich Orellana) is Professor in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she also serves as the Associate Vice Provost of the International Institute. She directed the UC Links work at UCLA from 2009-2020. She is the author of Immigrant Children in Transcultural Spaces: Language, Learning and Love (a book about B-Club) and Mindful Ethnography: Mind, Heart and Activity for Transformative Social Research (drawing on UC Links teaching).

John Cano is Associate Director of University-Community Links (UC Links) in the Berkeley School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. He is an educational technology scholar interested in how technology-mediated learning environments can enhance the learning experience of K-12 and higher education students. He also studies student engagement; online education; digital citizenship; intercultural education; and informal learning in after-school settings.


Mara Welsh Mahmood 是加州大學柏克萊分校教育學院大學社區聯繫(UC Links)的執行主任,自1996年UC Links成立以來一直參與其中。她是另一本關於UC Links網絡的合著者,該書名為《文化歷史方法論:社會流動與大學社區參與的新興研究與機會》。

Marjorie Elaine(原名Marjorie Elaine Faulstich Orellana)是加州大學洛杉磯分校教育與資訊研究研究生院的教授,同時也擔任國際學院副副校長。她在2009年至2020年期間負責指導UCLA的UC Links工作。她是《跨文化空間中的移民兒童:語言、學習和愛》(一本關於B-Club的書)和《正念民族誌:心智、情感和活動對於轉型性社會研究的影響》(借鑒UC Links教學)的作者。

John Cano 是加州大學柏克萊分校教育學院大學社區聯繫(UC Links)的副主任。他是一位教育技術學者,對於如何通過科技媒介的學習環境提升K-12和高等教育學生的學習體驗感興趣。他還研究學生參與度、在線教育、數位公民身份、跨文化教育以及課後場所的非正式學習。