This book introduces cutting-edge methods on security in spectrum management, mobile networks and next-generation wireless networks in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This book includes four parts: (a) Architecture Innovations and Security in 5G Networks, (b) Security in Artificial Intelligence-enabled Intrusion Detection Systems. (c) Attack and Defense in Artificial Intelligence-enabled Wireless Systems, (d) Security in Network-enabled Applications. The first part discusses the architectural innovations and security challenges of 5G networks, highlighting novel network structures and strategies to counter vulnerabilities. The second part provides a comprehensive analysis of intrusion detection systems and the pivotal role of AI and machine learning in defense and vulnerability assessment. The third part focuses on wireless systems, where deep learning is explored to enhance wireless communication security. The final part broadens the scope, examining the applications of these emerging technologies in network-enabled fields.
The advancement of AI/ML has led to new opportunities for efficient tactical communication and network systems, but also new vulnerabilities. Along this direction, innovative AI-driven solutions, such as game-theoretic frameworks and zero-trust architectures are developed to strengthen defenses against sophisticated cyber threats. Adversarial training methods are adopted to augment this security further. Simultaneously, deep learning techniques are emerging as effective tools for securing wireless communications and improving intrusion detection systems. Additionally, distributed machine learning, exemplified by federated learning, is revolutionizing security model training. Moreover, the integration of AI into network security, especially in cyber-physical systems, demands careful consideration to ensure it aligns with the dynamics of these systems. This book is valuable for academics, researchers, and students in AI/ML, network security, and related fields. It serves as a resource for those in computer networks, AI, ML, and data science, and can be used as a reference or secondary textbook.商品描述(中文翻譯)
本書介紹了在人工智慧(AI)和機器學習(ML)時代,頻譜管理、行動網路及下一代無線網路的前沿安全方法。本書分為四個部分:(a) 5G 網路的架構創新與安全性,(b) 人工智慧驅動的入侵偵測系統的安全性,(c) 人工智慧驅動的無線系統中的攻擊與防禦,(d) 網路應用中的安全性。第一部分討論了 5G 網路的架構創新與安全挑戰,強調了新穎的網路結構及應對脆弱性的策略。第二部分提供了入侵偵測系統的全面分析,以及 AI 和機器學習在防禦和脆弱性評估中的關鍵角色。第三部分專注於無線系統,探討深度學習如何增強無線通信的安全性。最後一部分擴大範圍,檢視這些新興技術在網路應用領域的應用。
AI/ML 的進步為高效的戰術通信和網路系統帶來了新機會,但也帶來了新的脆弱性。在這方面,開發了創新的 AI 驅動解決方案,如博弈論框架和零信任架構,以加強對複雜網路威脅的防禦。此外,對抗性訓練方法被採用以進一步增強這一安全性。同時,深度學習技術正逐漸成為保護無線通信和改善入侵偵測系統的有效工具。此外,分散式機器學習,特別是聯邦學習,正在徹底改變安全模型的訓練。此外,將 AI 整合進網路安全,特別是在網路物理系統中,需謹慎考量,以確保其與這些系統的動態相符。
本書對於學術界、研究人員及 AI/ML、網路安全及相關領域的學生具有重要價值。它可作為計算機網路、AI、ML 和數據科學領域的資源,並可用作參考書或輔助教材。
Jie Wu is Laura H. Carnell Professor at Temple University and the Director of the Center for Networked Computing (CNC). He served as Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences from the summer of 2009 to the summer of 2016 and Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs from the fall of 2015 to the summer of 2017. Prior to joining Temple University, he was a program director at the National Science Foundation and was a distinguished professor at Florida Atlantic University, where he received his Ph.D. in 1989. His current research interests include mobile computing and wireless networks, routing protocols, network trust and security, distributed algorithms, applied machine learning, and cloud computing. Dr. Wu regularly published in scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books. He serves on several editorial boards, including IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and Journal of Computer Science and Technology. Dr. Wu is/was general chair/co-chair for IEEE DCOSS'09, IEEE ICDCS'13, ICPP'16, IEEE CNS'16, WiOpt'21, ICDCN'22, IEEE IPDPS'23, and ACM MobiHoc'23 as well as program chair/cochair for IEEE MASS'04, IEEEINFOCOM'11, CCF CNCC'13, and ICCCN'20. He was an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, ACM Distinguished Speaker, and chair for the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP). Dr. Wu is a Fellow of the AAAS and a Fellow of the IEEE.
Dr. Cliff Wang graduated from North Carolina State University with a PhD in computer engineering in 1996. He has been carrying out research in the area of computer vision, medical imaging, high speed networks, and most recently information security. He has authored 60 technical papers and 3 Internet standards RFCs. Dr. Wang also authored/edited for 20 books in the area of information security and hold 4 US patents on information security system development. Since 2003, Dr. Wang has been managing extramural research portfolio and leading cyber security research at ARO and serves as the division director for Network Sciences. Since 2023, he is with NSF as program director and serves as the co-lead for the SaTC cluster. Dr. Wang also holds adjunct professor appointment at both Department of Computer Science and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University. Dr. Wang is a Fellow of IEEE and AAAS.
陳盈盈(Jennifer Chen)是羅格斯大學電機與計算機工程系的教授及系主任,並擔任彼得·切拉西亞(Peter Cherasia)捐贈的教職學者。她是無線資訊網路實驗室(Wireless Information Network Laboratory, WINLAB)的副主任,並領導數據分析與資訊安全實驗室(Data Analysis and Information Security, DAISY Lab)。她是IEEE的會士及全國發明家學院(National Academy of Inventors, NAI)的會士,並且是ACM的傑出會員。她的研究興趣包括行動計算與感測中的應用機器學習、物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)、AI/ML系統的安全性、智慧醫療及行動系統上的深度學習。她在RF/WiFi感測、定位系統及行動安全方面是先驅。在加入羅格斯大學之前,她曾是史蒂文斯科技學院的終身教授,並在諾基亞(Nokia,前身為盧森特科技公司)擁有豐富的產業經驗。她已出版3本書籍、4章書籍章節及240篇以上的期刊文章和經審稿的會議論文。她在頂尖的ACM和IEEE會議中獲得七項最佳論文獎,並獲得NSF CAREER獎和Google教職研究獎。她獲得新澤西發明家名人堂創新獎,並且是IEEE第1區技術創新學術獎的得主。她的研究得到了包括NSF、NIH、ARO、國防部(DoD)和空軍研究實驗室(AFRL)等多個資助機構的支持,並在包括MIT Technology Review、CNN、Fox News Channel、華爾街日報、全國公共廣播電台(NPR)和IEEE Spectrum等多家媒體上報導。她曾擔任IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC)、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(TWireless)、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(ToN)及ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security的編輯委員會成員。
吳杰(Jie Wu)是天普大學的勞拉·H·卡內爾教授(Laura H. Carnell Professor)及網路計算中心(Center for Networked Computing, CNC)的主任。他於2009年夏季至2016年夏季擔任計算機與資訊科學系的系主任,並於2015年秋季至2017年夏季擔任國際事務副教務長。在加入天普大學之前,他曾是國家科學基金會的計畫主任,並在佛羅里達大西洋大學擔任傑出教授,於1989年獲得博士學位。他目前的研究興趣包括行動計算與無線網路、路由協定、網路信任與安全、分散式演算法、應用機器學習及雲計算。吳博士定期在學術期刊、會議論文集及書籍上發表文章。他擔任多個編輯委員會的成員,包括IEEE Transactions on Service Computing、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking及Journal of Computer Science and Technology。吳博士曾擔任IEEE DCOSS'09、IEEE ICDCS'13、ICPP'16、IEEE CNS'16、WiOpt'21、ICDCN'22、IEEE IPDPS'23及ACM MobiHoc'23的總主席/共同主席,並擔任IEEE MASS'04、IEEE INFOCOM'11、CCF CNCC'13及ICCCN'20的程式主席/共同主席。他曾是IEEE計算機學會的傑出訪客、ACM的傑出演講者,並擔任IEEE分散處理技術委員會(TCDP)的主席。吳博士是美國科學促進會(AAAS)及IEEE的會士。
王克里夫(Cliff Wang)於1996年從北卡羅來納州立大學獲得計算機工程博士學位。他在計算機視覺、醫學影像、高速網路及最近的資訊安全領域進行研究。他已發表60篇技術論文及3篇互聯網標準RFC。他還為20本資訊安全領域的書籍撰寫或編輯內容,並持有4項美國資訊安全系統開發的專利。自2003年以來,王博士一直管理外部研究計畫組合並領導ARO的網路安全研究,並擔任網路科學部門的主任。自2023年起,他在NSF擔任計畫主任,並作為SaTC集群的共同負責人。王博士還擔任兼任教授。