9.5 折
Quality Paper - also called trade paper
This book aims to provide information about significant advances of Fuzzy Logic in software systems to researchers, scientists, educators, students, software engineers and developers. In particular, this book explains how Fuzzy Logic, can be used in software systems to automatically predict, model, decide, diagnose, recommend etc.. In more details, Fuzzy Logic is an artificial intelligent technique that is ideal for successfully addressing, the uncertainty, imprecision and vagueness that exist in many diverse scientific and technological areas. It was introduced by Lotfi A. Zadeh of the University of California at Berkeley, as a methodology for computing with words. This ability of Fuzzy Logic allows the representation of imprecise and vague data in a more realistic way. Therefore, Fuzzy Logic-based systems can simulate the human reasoning and decision-making processes, addressing the human subjectivity. Fuzzy Logic-based software systems are referred to any software that concerns anautomated program or process that is used in everyday life, like heating or air-conditioning system, or in the scientific world, like a medical diagnostic system, which uses Fuzzy Logic in order to perform reasoning. A Fuzzy Logic-based system consists of three basic modules: Fuzzifier, Inference Engine and Defuzzifier. The Fuzzifier accepts as input numerical data and assigns them to fuzzy sets with some degree of membership, converting crisp data to fuzzy sets. The Inference Engine applies fuzzy rules over the defined fuzzy sets and produces outputs based on linguistic information. The Defuzzifier, converts fuzzy values into crisp values. The use of Fuzzy Logic in software systems constitutes a compelling and active research area in recent years, especially due to the increased interest in artificial intelligence. In the view of the above, this book presents thoroughly the Fuzzy Logic theory and the structure and operation of a Fuzzy Logic-based system. It also explains the role ofFuzzy Logic in artificial intelligence and smart applications, presenting how it can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of automatic processes and tasks. Furthermore, the book describes techniques of artificial intelligence with which the fuzzy logic is combined and how. Furthermore, this book presents several Fuzzy Logic-based software systems in the discipline of medicine, education, decision making and recommendation, natural language processing, automotive engineering and industry, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, navigation, scheduling, network traffic and security. Thereby, this book can provide deep insights and valuable information not only to readers of computer science-related disciplines, but also to readers, who come from a variety of disciplines and are interesting in systems that perform tasks related to their discipline, in a more efficient way.
本書旨在向研究人員、科學家、教育工作者、學生、軟體工程師和開發人員提供有關模糊邏輯在軟體系統中重大進展的信息。特別是,本書解釋了模糊邏輯如何在軟體系統中自動預測、建模、決策、診斷、推薦等。更詳細地說,模糊邏輯是一種人工智慧技術,理想地用於成功解決許多不同科學和技術領域中存在的不確定性、不精確性和模糊性。它由加州大學伯克利分校的Lotfi A. Zadeh提出,作為一種用詞計算的方法論。模糊邏輯的這一能力使得能夠以更現實的方式表示不精確和模糊的數據。因此,基於模糊邏輯的系統可以模擬人類的推理和決策過程,解決人類的主觀性。基於模糊邏輯的軟體系統是指任何與自動化程序或過程相關的軟體,這些程序或過程在日常生活中使用,例如供暖或空調系統,或在科學領域中,例如使用模糊邏輯進行推理的醫療診斷系統。基於模糊邏輯的系統由三個基本模組組成:模糊化器(Fuzzifier)、推理引擎(Inference Engine)和去模糊化器(Defuzzifier)。模糊化器接受數值數據作為輸入,並將其分配到具有某種隸屬度的模糊集合中,將清晰數據轉換為模糊集合。推理引擎在定義的模糊集合上應用模糊規則,並根據語言信息生成輸出。去模糊化器將模糊值轉換為清晰值。近年來,模糊邏輯在軟體系統中的應用成為一個引人注目的活躍研究領域,特別是由於對人工智慧的興趣增加。基於上述觀點,本書徹底介紹了模糊邏輯理論及基於模糊邏輯的系統的結構和運作。它還解釋了模糊邏輯在人工智慧和智能應用中的角色,展示了它如何提高自動化過程和任務的效率和有效性。此外,本書描述了與模糊邏輯結合的人工智慧技術及其方式。此外,本書介紹了幾個基於模糊邏輯的軟體系統,涵蓋醫學、教育、決策和推薦、自然語言處理、汽車工程和工業、供暖、通風和空調、導航、排程、網路流量和安全等領域。因此,本書不僅能為計算機科學相關學科的讀者提供深入的見解和有價值的信息,還能為來自各種學科並對以更高效的方式執行與其學科相關任務的系統感興趣的讀者提供幫助。