This edited volume discusses security policy and strategic policymaking in the Middle East region. Due to its unique geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic features, the Middle East region has been confronted with challenging security issues. Combined with a lack of an efficient regional security regime this has led to the formation of a full-fledged arms race. This book draws together contributions from international experts to address the factors that have been contributing to the ongoing formation of an arms race in the Middle East as well as the impact of this phenomenon on the regional and global security environment.
The book is organized in three sections. The first section outlines the contemporary dynamics of the arms race in the Middle East by focusing on its most recent dynamics and their implications for regional and international security. The second section conducts systematic analysis of case studies of country-specific drivers of the armsrace. The third and final section examines the role of external actors in the arms race, evaluating both the responses of regional actors to external interventions as well as the implications of the arms race for extra-regional countries.
Mohammad Eslami is a researcher at the Research Centre for Political Science (CICP) at the University of Minho in Portugal, where he investigates Iran's Ballistic Missile and Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle Programs. He is also a research fellow of the Arms Control Negotiation Academy led by the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University. His research interests primarily relate to international security, arms control, nuclear proliferation, and Middle East studies. He has published in International Affairs, Third World Quarterly, Spanish Journal of Political Science, Journal of Asian Security, and the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament and contributed to several edited volumes published by Springer and Palgrave Macmillan, among others.
Alena Vysotskaya Guedes Vieira is a Professor at the University of Minho, Portugal, and an Integrated Member of the Research Centre in Political Science (CICP). She holds a PhD in Political Sciencefrom the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, and was Visiting Research at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, at the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (Lisbon), and at the University of Leuven. She has published in the Journal of Common Market Studies, International Affairs, Third World Quarterly, Post-Soviet Affairs, and the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, among other journals, and received scholarships and research grants from the Chair Inbev-Baillet Latour, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Haniel-Stiftung, Compagnia di San Paulo, Riksbanken Jubileumsfond and Volkswagen-Stiftung foundations, as well as of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She has also published several briefing papers and reports for EU institutions and other think-tanks.
Mohammad Eslami 是葡萄牙米尼荷大學政治科學研究中心 (CICP) 的研究員,他研究伊朗的彈道導彈和無人作戰飛行器計畫。他也是哈佛大學戴維斯俄羅斯與歐亞研究中心主辦的軍備控制談判學院的研究員。他的研究興趣主要與國際安全、軍備控制、核擴散和中東研究有關。他曾在《國際事務》、《第三世界季刊》、《西班牙政治科學期刊》、《亞洲安全期刊》和《和平與核裁軍期刊》等期刊上發表文章,並為多本由Springer和Palgrave Macmillan等出版社出版的編輯書籍貢獻內容。
Alena Vysotskaya Guedes Vieira 是葡萄牙米尼荷大學的教授,也是政治科學研究中心 (CICP) 的整合成員。她擁有德國埃爾朗根-紐倫堡大學的政治科學博士學位,曾在芬蘭國際事務研究所、里斯本戰略與國際研究所以及魯汀大學進行訪問研究。她在《共同市場研究期刊》、《國際事務》、《第三世界季刊》、《後蘇聯事務》和《劍橋國際事務評論》等期刊上發表過文章,並獲得了來自Inbev-Baillet Latour講座、Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung、Haniel-Stiftung、Compagnia di San Paulo、瑞典國家銀行紀念基金和福斯汽車基金會等機構的獎學金和研究補助,以及葡萄牙科學與技術基金會 (FCT) 的支持。她還為歐盟機構和其他智庫發表了多篇簡報和報告。