This book presents the latest research in cognitive security, a rapidly emerging field that addresses the vulnerabilities in human behavior and cognition that can lead to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) compromise. This book demonstrates that as adversaries increasingly use manipulative and deceptive information to disrupt human cognitive processes, including sensation, attention, memory, and mental operations, humans are misled into fallacious reasoning and manipulated decisions that can lead to system-level meltdown. Cognitive security aims to protect humans from the exploitation of cognitive vulnerabilities, help them make informed decisions that are free from manipulation and undue influence, and mitigate the aggravating risk in the ensuing steps of the attacker's kill chain.
This book offers solutions that work across different fields, such as psychology, neuroscience, data science, social science, and game theory, to deal with cognitive threats. It guides the reader through the core ideas with figures, real-life examples, and case studies. Moreover, it formally defines all research questions, presents the results using mathematical theorems and proofs, and obtains insights through numerical validation. This book provides a self-contained and brief overview of essential system-scientific tools for modeling, analyzing, and mitigating cognitive vulnerabilities. The concepts of human cognitive capacities and cognitive vulnerabilities are formally discussed, followed by two case studies in the scenarios of reactive and proactive attention vulnerabilities. This book provides insights and applications on this transdisciplinary topic, with the goal of motivating future research in this emerging area and pushing the frontier of human-technology convergence. This book is a valuable reference for researchers and advanced-level students studying or working in cognitive security and related fields. It is also useful for decision-makers, managers, and professionals working within these related fields.
Linan Huang於2016年獲得中國北京理工大學電氣工程學士學位,並於2022年獲得美國紐約大學布魯克林分校電氣工程博士學位。他目前是清華大學的助理研究員。他獲得了許多獎項,包括2022年Dante Youla研究優秀獎、2022年GameSec會議最佳論文獎和2022年INFORMS MAS Koopman獎。他的研究興趣包括多智能體系統中的動態決策、機制設計、人工智能、安全性和物理系統的韌性。
Quanyan Zhu於2006年獲得加拿大麥吉爾大學榮譽電氣工程學士學位,2008年獲得多倫多大學碩士學位,2013年獲得伊利諾伊大學香檳分校電氣工程博士學位。在普林斯頓大學工作後,他目前是紐約大學電氣與計算機工程系的副教授。他是紐約大學城市科學與進展中心(CUSP)和網絡安全中心(CCS)的聯合教職成員。他獲得了許多獎項,包括NSF CAREER獎、NYU Goddard初級教職獎、NSERC博士後獎學金(PDF)、NSERC加拿大研究生獎學金(CGS)和Mavis未來教職獎學金。他主持並主持了INFOCOM智能能源系統通信和控制研討會(CCSES)、中西部控制和博弈論研討會(WCGT)和ICRA機器人安全和隱私研討會。他目前的研究興趣包括博弈論、機器學習、網絡優化和控制、智慧城市、物聯網和物理系統。他曾擔任2016年和2020年決策和博弈論安全會議(GameSec)的總主席或TPC主席,2018年國際網絡遊戲、控制和優化研討會(NETGCOOP)的主席,2019年國際人工智能和安全研討會(ICAIS 2019)的主席,以及2020年IEEE信息取證和安全研討會(WIFS)。他是Springer出版的四本最新書籍的合著者:《關鍵基礎設施的網絡安全:博弈論方法》(與S. Rass、S. Schauer和S. König合著)、《韌性相互依賴網絡分析與設計的博弈和決策論方法》(與J. Chen合著)、《安全和韌性的物理系統交叉層設計:決策和博弈論方法》(與Z. Xu合著)和《博弈論在網絡欺騙中的應用》(與J. Pawlick合著)。