With its focus on the advanced topics and procedures employed in this specialized field, Massachusetts General Hospital Manual of Cardiovascular Critical Care provides practical, must-know information to all practitioners caring for the increasing population of critical care patients with severely compromised cardiovascular function. Drs. Aranya Bagchi, David M. Dudzinski, Jonathan Ludmir, Ivana Nikolic, and Kenneth T. Shelton lead a multidisciplinary team of authors who expertly cover cardiology, cardiac surgery, anesthesia, and mechanical circulatory support topics for all ICU clinicians who focus on cardiovascular care.
- Shares knowledge and experience gained in the relatively recent field of cardiovascular critical care--from experts in anesthesiology, cardiology, cardiac surgery, emergency medicine, and pulmonary/critical care medicine
- Provides a real-world, practical balance of, cardiac surgery and cardiac anesthesia content, including an outstanding section on mechanical circulatory support--all with a focus on advanced, specialized coverage of this complex field
- Covers the topics that are uniquely within the scope of cardiovascular critical care: management of patients on ECMO and ventricular assist devices, the physiology of heart failure and ventricular support, management of postcardiotomy shock, and many other common clinical issues
- Inspired by the collective experiences at Massachusetts General Hospital's Heart Center Intensive Care Unit (HCICU), to answer the question often asked by new colleagues: "Is there a resource that puts together everything in one place?"
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專注於這個專業領域中所採用的高級主題和程序,麻薩諸塞州總醫院心血管重症護理手冊為所有照顧日益增加的心血管功能嚴重受損的重症病患的從業人員提供了實用且必須了解的信息。阿拉尼亞·巴基(Aranya Bagchi)、大衛·M·杜茲金斯基(David M. Dudzinski)、喬納森·盧德米爾(Jonathan Ludmir)、伊瓦娜·尼科利奇(Ivana Nikolic)和肯尼斯·T·謝爾頓(Kenneth T. Shelton)博士領導了一個多學科的作者團隊,專業地涵蓋了心臟病學、心臟外科、麻醉學和機械循環支持等主題,針對所有專注於心血管護理的重症監護病房(ICU)臨床醫師。
分享知識和經驗,這些知識和經驗來自於相對較新的心血管重症護理領域——來自麻醉學、心臟病學、心臟外科、急診醫學和肺部/重症護理醫學的專家。 - 提供現實世界的實用平衡,涵蓋心臟外科和心臟麻醉的內容,包括一個出色的機械循環支持部分——所有內容均專注於這個複雜領域的高級專業覆蓋。
- 涵蓋心血管重症護理範疇內獨特的主題:ECMO和心室輔助裝置患者的管理、心臟衰竭和心室支持的生理學、心臟手術後休克的管理,以及許多其他常見的臨床問題。
- 受到麻薩諸塞州總醫院心臟中心重症監護病房(HCICU)的集體經驗啟發,以回答新同事常問的問題:'是否有一個資源可以將所有內容集中在一個地方?'
直接在您喜愛的設備上閱讀,如電腦、平板或智能手機。 -