Ruby Developer's Guide

Syngress, Robert Feldt, Lyle Johnson, Jonothon Ortiz

  • 出版商: Syngress Media
  • 出版日期: 2002-01-01
  • 定價: $1,650
  • 售價: 2.4$399
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 720
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1928994644
  • ISBN-13: 9781928994640
  • 相關分類: Ruby
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=2)




The Complete Guide to Developing and Deploying Real-World Ruby Applications

Ruby astounds developers with its ability to make programming fun again. It frees programmers to concentrate on programming objectives, and creates fewer obstacles than other languages by flowing ideas directly into the code. Although Ruby is experiencing dramatic growth, there are very few educational resources available for aspiring developers. Written by a team of Ruby gurus, Ruby Developer's Guide is the most comprehensive book available for serious Ruby developers.

1. Review the Basics of a Ruby Installation
Learn about the ins-and-outs of installing Ruby on UNIX and Windows, as well as about the Ruby Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
2. Evaluate GUI Toolkits
Find out which toolkits are thread-safe, which come with good example programs, and which are the best choices for certain functions.
3. Read and Write Comma-Separated Value Files
See how to use Nakamura Hiroshi's CSV module to read and write Comma Separated Value files from within Ruby.
4. Parse and Create XML in Ruby
Learn about the parsers for Ruby that work either directly with XML or with one of the various XML APIs.
5. Develop Distributed Web Services
Use drb to transparently call the methods of remote objects simply by doing a method call and also to speed up CGI scripts.
6. Connect to the Web with Ruby
See how Ruby can be used to provide Web content and dynamic interaction to Web clients.
7. Learn to Program Graphics using Ruby
Find support of popular graphics libraries, including OpenGL, GD, GD::Graph, PGPlot, and Imlib2earn.
8. Improve Performance by Profiling
Use the standard profiler profile.rb or RbProf, which is faster than the standard profiler.
9. Register for Your 1 Year Upgrade
The Syngress Solutions upgrade plan protects you from content obsolescence and provides monthly mailings, whitepapers, and more!

Robert Feldt
Lyle Johnson
Technical Editor: Michael Neumann


《開發和部署真實世界 Ruby 應用的完整指南》

Ruby 以其使編程變得有趣的能力令開發人員驚艷。它使程序員能夠專注於編程目標,並且通過直接將想法轉化為代碼,減少了其他語言所帶來的障礙。儘管 Ruby 正在經歷劇烈的增長,但對於有志於成為開發人員的人來說,可用的教育資源非常有限。《Ruby 開發人員指南》是一本由 Ruby 專家團隊撰寫的最全面的書籍,適合專業的 Ruby 開發人員閱讀。

1. 檢視 Ruby 安裝的基礎知識
了解在 UNIX 和 Windows 上安裝 Ruby 的詳細步驟,以及 Ruby 集成開發環境(IDE)的相關知識。

2. 評估 GUI 工具包

3. 讀取和寫入逗號分隔值文件
瞭解如何使用中村博士的 CSV 模塊在 Ruby 內部讀取和寫入逗號分隔值文件。

4. 解析和創建 Ruby 中的 XML
瞭解與 XML 直接工作或與各種 XML API 之一一起工作的 Ruby 解析器。

5. 開發分佈式 Web 服務
使用 drb 通過方法調用來透明地調用遠程對象的方法,同時加速 CGI 腳本。

6. 使用 Ruby 連接到 Web
瞭解如何使用 Ruby 提供 Web 內容和與 Web 客戶端的動態交互。

7. 使用 Ruby 學習編程圖形
支持流行的圖形庫,包括 OpenGL、GD、GD::Graph、PGPlot 和 Imlib2earn。

8. 通過性能分析提高性能
使用標準分析器 profile.rb 或比標準分析器更快的 RbProf 來提高性能。

9. 註冊您的 1 年升級
Syngress Solutions 升級計劃保護您免受內容過時的影響,並提供每月郵件、白皮書等內容!

Robert Feldt
Lyle Johnson
技術編輯:Michael Neumann