Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics

Lemos, Sofia, Reymann, Markus

  • 出版商: Sternberg Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-20
  • 售價: $1,140
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,083
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 320
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1915609518
  • ISBN-13: 9781915609519
  • 相關分類: 物理學 Physics
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約1週~2週)


A case study for community-oriented artistic research into the cultural, spiritual, and ecological trajectories of waterways.

Inspired by how rivers bend and curve, connecting entire ecosystems, Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics unfolds the cultural, historical, spiritual, and ecological trajectories of waterways, reflecting the vitality of water, from source to sea. A diverse group of artists and writers set out to trace river systems from the sierras and forests of southern Spain, to the heartlands of the Americas and the undersurface of the Mediterranean, proposing new routes for collaborative research and knowledge-production.

In newly commissioned texts and a selection of influential essays--including a transhistorical dialogue between the twelfth-century mystic, Ibn 'Arabî and the renowned essayist, Sylvia Wynter--as well as lyrics, scent, recipes, critical-contemplative writing, and guided meditations, Meandering combines rich visual documentation with insights from the fields of art, visual culture, environmental humanities, ecotheosophy, mysticism, critical theory, and decolonial studies. This volume offers a practical and poetic toolset for a dynamic reconciliation between action and imagination to address the pressing social and environmental challenges of our time.

This publication is part of an art and ecology research program of the same name curated by Sofia Lemos at TBA21-Academy. By exploring social and environmental justice through the lens of community-oriented practice, it presents a case for the role of artistic research and public programs in revealing our interbeing, and shapes new convergences between interdisciplinary and interfaith studies.

Jesús Alcaide, Sally F. Barleycorn, Lourdes Cabrera, Edgar Calel, Federico Campagna, Carolina Caycedo, Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, Elizabeth Gallón Droste, Victoria García Gómez, Francisco Godoy Vega, Brooke Holmes, Lafawndah, Sofia Lemos, Isabel Lewis, Gracia López Anguita, Juan Lopéz Intzín, Gabrielle Mangeri, Michael Marder, Ana María Millán, Eduardo Navarro, Carmen Pérez Cuello, Lorenzo Sandoval, Chaveli Sifre, Emilija Skarnulytė, Medina Tenour Whiteman, Rosa Tharrats, Caique Tizzi, and Sylvia Wynter.

Copublished by TBA21-Academy



受到河流彎曲和曲折的啟發,連結整個生態系統,《Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics》展開了水道的文化、歷史、精神和生態軌跡,反映了水的活力,從源頭到海洋。一群多元的藝術家和作家著手追溯從西班牙南部的山脈和森林,到美洲的心臟地帶以及地中海的水下系統,提出新的合作研究和知識生產路徑。

在新委託的文本和一系列有影響力的論文中,包括十二世紀神秘主義者伊本·阿拉比(Ibn 'Arabî)與著名散文家西爾維亞·溫特(Sylvia Wynter)之間的跨歷史對話,以及歌詞、香氣、食譜、批判性思考寫作和引導冥想,《Meandering》結合了豐富的視覺紀錄與藝術、視覺文化、環境人文學、環境神秘學、神秘主義、批判理論和去殖民研究等領域的見解。本書提供了一套實用而詩意的工具,促進行動與想像之間的動態和解,以應對當前緊迫的社會和環境挑戰。

本出版物是由索非亞·萊莫斯(Sofia Lemos)策劃的同名藝術與生態研究計畫的一部分,於TBA21-Academy進行。透過社區導向實踐的視角探索社會和環境正義,提出了藝術研究和公共計畫在揭示我們的共生關係中的角色,並塑造了跨學科和跨信仰研究之間的新交匯。

貢獻者包括:耶穌·阿爾卡伊德(Jesús Alcaide)、莎莉·F·巴利科恩(Sally F. Barleycorn)、盧爾德斯·卡布雷拉(Lourdes Cabrera)、埃德加·卡萊爾(Edgar Calel)、費德里科·坎帕尼亞(Federico Campagna)、卡羅琳娜·凱塞多(Carolina Caycedo)、厄維爾·杜爾穆索魯(Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu)、伊莉莎白·加隆·德羅斯特(Elizabeth Gallón Droste)、維多利亞·加西亞·戈麥斯(Victoria García Gómez)、弗朗西斯科·戈多伊·維加(Francisco Godoy Vega)、布魯克·霍姆斯(Brooke Holmes)、拉法旺達(Lafawndah)、索非亞·萊莫斯(Sofia Lemos)、伊莎貝爾·劉易斯(Isabel Lewis)、格拉西亞·洛佩斯·安吉塔(Gracia López Anguita)、胡安·洛佩斯·因辛(Juan Lopéz Intzín)、加布里埃爾·曼傑里(Gabrielle Mangeri)、邁克爾·馬爾德(Michael Marder)、安娜·瑪麗亞·米蘭(Ana María Millán)、愛德華多·納瓦羅(Eduardo Navarro)、卡門·佩雷斯·奎略(Carmen Pérez Cuello)、洛倫佐·桑多瓦爾(Lorenzo Sandoval)、查維利·西弗雷(Chaveli Sifre)、艾米莉亞·斯卡爾努利特(Emilija Skarnulyte)、梅迪納·特努爾·懷特曼(Medina Tenour Whiteman)、羅莎·塔拉茲(Rosa Tharrats)、凱克·提茲(Caique Tizzi)和西爾維亞·溫特(Sylvia Wynter)。



Sofia Lemos is a curator and writer. With an interest in art and ecology, she views exhibitions and public programs as mediums for collaborative knowledge-production. Between 2021-24, she was Curator at TBA21-Academy, where she launched the fellowship program Meandering for artists working with ecology and community practice. From 2018-21, she was Curator of Public Programmes and Research at Nottingham Contemporary, where she initiated the multi-year research project Sonic Continuum with multiple academic partners and and was Associate Editor at The Contemporary Journal. She regularly lectures and contributes writing to publications, monographs, and exhibition catalogues.


索非亞·萊莫斯(Sofia Lemos)是一位策展人和作家。她對藝術和生態學的興趣使她將展覽和公共項目視為協作知識生產的媒介。在2021年至2024年間,她擔任TBA21-Academy的策展人,並為從事生態和社區實踐的藝術家推出了名為《Meandering》的獎學金計畫。在2018年至2021年間,她擔任諾丁漢當代藝術中心的公共項目與研究策展人,並與多個學術夥伴啟動了為期多年的研究項目《Sonic Continuum》,同時擔任《The Contemporary Journal》的副編輯。她定期講授課程並為出版物、專著和展覽目錄撰寫文章。