Cryptography Algorithms - Second Edition: Get to grips with new algorithms in blockchain, zero-knowledge, homomorphic encryption, and quantum

Bertaccini, Massimo



Get a head start in real-world cryptography by learning the logic of algorithms that defend against attacks, and explore the latest in IoT homomorphic encryption and quantum cryptography

Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format.

Key Features:

- Explore the basic principles and history of cryptography

- Identify key vulnerabilities and evaluate how cryptographic algorithms defend against attacks

- Become a forward-thinking cryptographer by learning the new protocols in zero knowledge, homomorphic encryption and quantum cryptography

Book Description:

This updated edition takes you on an journey through the realm of cryptographic science, providing an in-depth exploration of its history, principles, and the latest cutting-edge developments.

You will learn the mathematical logic of how algorithms encrypt and decrypt messages, introducing more complex math as the book progresses. By getting your foot in the door with how elliptic curves, zero knowledge protocols, homomorphic encryption, and quantum computing shape today's cybersecurity landscape and its attacks and defenses, you will have the groundwork on which to build professional cryptographic experience.

This edition will help keep you up to date with the most innovative cryptographic algorithms, ensuring you're well-prepared to navigate the rapidly evolving world of data privacy and cybersecurity. With a focus on emerging trends and challenges, including lightweight encryption for the Internet of Things (IoT ), you'll acquire the knowledge needed to stay at the forefront of this dynamic field.

With the latest updates and an expanded scope, this new edition ensures you're well-prepared to face the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity with confidence and expertise.

What You Will Learn:

- Get to grips with essential encryption algorithms and their logical basics

- Identify the key vulnerabilities of AES and RSA

- Apply the logic and mathematics behind cryptographic attacks on asymmetric encryption

- Discover emerging technologies like zero-knowledge protocols and homomorphic encryption

- Understand fundamentals of lightweight encryption for IoT and discover a new algorithm in this field

- Dive deep into quantum cryptography with the Shor and Grover algorithms

Who this book is for:

This book is for beginners who are IT professionals, students, cybersecurity enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to develop skills in modern cryptography and build a successful cybersecurity career. The book systematically addresses mathematical issues related to the algorithms that may arise. However, a prior knowledge of university-level mathematics, algebra, its main operators, modular mathematics, and finite fields theory is required. Some knowledge of elliptic curves and quantum computing, especially matrices and plotting curves would also be beneficial to get the most out of this book.

Table of Contents

- Deep Dive into Cryptography

- Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

- Asymmetric Encryption

- Hash Functions and Digital Signature

- Zero Knowledge Protocols

- New Inventions in Cryptography and Logical Attacks

- Elliptic Curves

- Introduction to Homomorphic Encryption and Crypto Search Engine

- Quantum Cryptography

- Quantum Search Algorithms



購買印刷版或 Kindle 書籍將包括免費的 PDF 格式電子書。

- 探索密碼學的基本原則和歷史
- 確認關鍵漏洞並評估密碼算法如何防禦攻擊
- 通過學習零知識、同態加密和量子密碼學的新協議,成為前瞻性的密碼學家




- 理解基本的加密算法及其邏輯基礎
- 確認 AES 和 RSA 的關鍵漏洞
- 應用非對稱加密的密碼攻擊背後的邏輯和數學
- 發現零知識協議和同態加密等新興技術
- 理解物聯網的輕量級加密基礎,並發現該領域的新算法
- 深入研究量子密碼學及 Shor 和 Grover 算法

本書適合初學者,包括 IT 專業人士、學生、網絡安全愛好者,以及任何希望發展現代密碼學技能並建立成功網絡安全職業的人士。本書系統地解決與算法相關的數學問題。然而,需要具備大學水平的數學、代數及其主要運算符、模數數學和有限域理論的先前知識。對橢圓曲線和量子計算的某些知識,特別是矩陣和繪製曲線的知識,將有助於您充分利用本書。

- 深入密碼學
- 對稱加密算法
- 非對稱加密
- 哈希函數和數位簽名
- 零知識協議
- 密碼學中的新發明和邏輯攻擊
- 橢圓曲線
- 同態加密和加密搜索引擎簡介
- 量子密碼學
- 量子搜索算法