Software Architecture Patterns for Serverless Systems: Architecting for innovation with events, autonomous services, and micro frontends (Paperback) (無伺服器系統的軟體架構模式:以事件、自主服務和微前端架構創新)

Gilbert, John




A professional's guide to solving complex problems while designing modern software


Key Features:

  • Learn best practices for designing enterprise-grade software systems
  • Understand the importance of building reliable, maintainable, and scalable systems
  • Become a professional software architect by learning the most effective software design patterns and architectural concepts


Book Description:

As businesses are undergoing a digital transformation to keep up with competition, it is now more important than ever for IT professionals to design systems to keep up with the rate of change while maintaining stability.


This book takes you through the architectural patterns that power enterprise-grade software systems and the key architectural elements that enable change such as events, autonomous services, and micro frontends, along with demonstrating how to implement and operate anti-fragile systems. You'll divide up a system and define boundaries so that teams can work autonomously and accelerate the pace of innovation. The book also covers low-level event and data patterns that support the entire architecture, while getting you up and running with the different autonomous service design patterns. As you progress, you'll focus on best practices for security, reliability, testability, observability, and performance. Finally, the book combines all that you've learned, explaining the methodologies of continuous experimentation, deployment, and delivery before providing you with some final thoughts on how to start making progress.


By the end of this book, you'll be able to architect your own event-driven, serverless systems that are ready to adapt and change so that you can deliver value at the pace needed by your business.


What You Will Learn:

  • Explore architectural patterns to create anti-fragile systems that thrive with change
  • Focus on DevOps practices that empower self-sufficient, full-stack teams
  • Build enterprise-scale serverless systems
  • Apply microservices principles to the frontend
  • Discover how SOLID principles apply to software and database architecture
  • Create event stream processors that power the event sourcing and CQRS pattern
  • Deploy a multi-regional system, including regional health checks, latency-based routing, and replication
  • Explore the Strangler pattern for migrating legacy systems


Who this book is for:

This book is for software architects and aspiring software architects who want to learn about different patterns and best practices to design better software. Intermediate-level experience in software development and design is required. Beginner-level knowledge of the cloud will also help you get the most out of this software design book.




- 學習設計企業級軟體系統的最佳實踐
- 了解構建可靠、可維護和可擴展系統的重要性
- 通過學習最有效的軟體設計模式和架構概念,成為一名專業的軟體架構師






- 探索創建能夠應對變化的反脆弱系統的架構模式
- 關注賦予自給自足的全棧團隊權力的DevOps實踐
- 構建企業級無伺服器系統
- 將微服務原則應用於前端
- 發現SOLID原則如何應用於軟體和數據庫架構
- 創建驅動事件溯源和CQRS模式的事件流處理器
- 部署多區域系統,包括區域健康檢查、基於延遲的路由和複製
- 探索用於遷移遺留系統的Strangler模式
