Kotlin Programming By Example

Iyanu Adelekan



Key Features

  • Build 3 full-fledged, engaging applications from scratch and learn how to deploy them.
  • Boost your productivity and build applications that are robust and user friendly.
  • Experience the gentle learning curve, expressiveness and intuitiveness of Kotlin, as you develop your own applications.

Book Description

Kotlin greatly reduces the verbosity of source code, with the recently announced first class support from the Android team; a great opportunity has been created. The book will help you learn how to create apps with Kotlin from scratch and get them up and running.

Starting with an introduction to Kotlin, this book will take you through the building blocks like functions, classes etc. Various features of Kotlin will be explored by building 3 application of varying complexity. For a quick start, to android development we look at building a classic game Tetris and elaborate on object oriented programming in Kotlin. Our next application will be a messenger app, a level up on the complexity; we will design and implement the backend as well. Before we move to the third app, we take a look at the methods of data persistence helping us learn storage and retrieval of useful application. Our final app would a Place reviewer; a web application will be making use of the Google Maps API and Placepicker.

By end of the book one will have gained experience of how to create and deploy android applications using Kotlin.

What you will learn

  • Building blocks of Kotlin programming language.
  • Develop powerful RESTful micro-services for Android applications.
  • How to efficiently create reactive android application.
  • Implement MVC architecture pattern and dependency management using Kotlin.
  • Centralize, transform and stash data with Logstash.
  • Secure application using Spring security.
  • Deploy Kotlin micro-services to AWS and Android applications to the play store.



  • 從頭開始建立3個完整且引人入勝的應用程式,並學習如何部署它們。

  • 提高生產力,建立堅固且使用者友好的應用程式。

  • 透過開發自己的應用程式,體驗Kotlin的易學曲線、表達力和直觀性。



從Kotlin的介紹開始,本書將帶您了解函數、類等基本概念。通過建立3個不同複雜度的應用程式,探索Kotlin的各種功能。為了快速入門Android開發,我們將建立一個經典的遊戲Tetris,並詳細介紹Kotlin中的物件導向編程。我們的下一個應用程式將是一個即時通訊應用程式,複雜度更高;我們將設計並實現後端。在轉向第三個應用程式之前,我們將研究數據持久性的方法,幫助我們學習有用應用程式的存儲和檢索。我們最後的應用程式將是一個地點評論者;一個網頁應用程式將使用Google Maps API和Placepicker。



  • Kotlin程式語言的基礎。

  • 為Android應用程式開發強大的RESTful微服務。

  • 如何高效地創建反應式Android應用程式。

  • 使用Kotlin實現MVC架構模式和依賴管理。

  • 使用Logstash集中、轉換和存儲數據。

  • 使用Spring Security保護應用程式。

  • 將Kotlin微服務部署到AWS,並將Android應用程式上架到Play商店。