WordPress Plugin Development Cookbook - Second Edition

Yannick Lefebvre




Key Features

  • Learn how to change and extend WordPress to perform virtually any task
  • Explore the plugin API through approachable examples and detailed explanations
  • Mold WordPress to your project's needs or transform it to benefit the entire community

Book Description

WordPress is a popular, powerful, and open Content Management System. Learning how to extend its capabilities allows you to unleash its full potential, whether you're an administrator trying to find the right extension, a developer with a great idea to enhance the platform for the community, or a website developer working to fulfill a client's needs. This book shows readers how to navigate WordPress' vast set of API functions to create high-quality plugins with easy-to-configure administration interfaces.

With new recipes and materials updated for the latest versions of WordPress 4.x, this second edition teaches you how to create plugins of varying complexity ranging from a few lines of code to complex extensions that provide intricate new capabilities.

You'll start by using the basic mechanisms provided in WordPress to create plugins and execute custom user code. You will then see how to design administration panels, enhance the post editor with custom fields, store custom data, and modify site behavior based on the value of custom fields. You'll safely incorporate dynamic elements on web pages using scripting languages, and build new widgets that users will be able to add to WordPress sidebars and widget areas.

By the end of this book, you will be able to create WordPress plugins to perform any task you can imagine.

What you will learn

  • Discover how to register user callbacks with WordPress, forming the basis of plugin



  • 學習如何改變和擴展WordPress,以執行幾乎任何任務

  • 通過易於理解的示例和詳細解釋,探索插件API

  • 根據項目需求塑造WordPress,或將其轉變為整個社區的利益



通過針對最新版本WordPress 4.x 更新的新食譜和材料,本書教您如何創建從幾行代碼到提供複雜新功能的複雜擴展的插件。




  • 發現如何在WordPress中註冊用戶回調,形成插件的基礎