F# High Performance

Eriawan Kusumawardhono

  • 出版商: Packt Publishing
  • 出版日期: 2017-01-20
  • 售價: $1,940
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,843
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 338
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1786468077
  • ISBN-13: 9781786468079
  • 相關分類: F#
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約3~4週)


Key Features

  • Explore the advanced concurrency support in F# and .NET TPL
  • Covers major optimization techniques in F# to improve the performance of applications
  • Use Struct, Class and Record model, Interop with C# and VB without sacrificing performance.

Book Description

F# is a functional programming language and is used in enterprise applications that demand high performance. It has its own unique trait: it is a functional programming language and has OOP support at the same time.

This book will help you make F# applications run faster with examples you can easily break down and take into your own work. You will be able to assess the performance of the program and identify bottlenecks.

Beginning with a gentle overview of concurrency features in F#, you will get to know the advanced topics of concurrency optimizations in F#, such as F# message passing agent of MailboxProcessor and further interoperation with .NET TPL. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to enhance the performance optimizations when implementing and using other F# language features.

The book also covers optimization techniques by using F# best practices and F# libraries. You will learn how the concepts of concurrency and parallel programming will help in improving the performance. With this, you would be able to take advantage of multi-core processors and track memory leaks, root causes, and CPU issues.

Finally, you will be able to test their applications to achieve scalability.

What you will learn

  • Understand how the execution of functions in F# works
  • Identify common performance bottlenecks
  • Implement best practices to optimize performance
  • Use the available tooling to help measure performance
  • Combine the best practice of asynchronous and synchronous
  • Optimize further using various F# language constructs

About the Author

Eriawan Kusumawardhono is a veteran senior software development engineer (SDE) who has software development experience of more than 13 years, with 11 years of having developed in .NET, since the introduction of Visual Studio 2003. On usual working day he works at Allegro Development, a software development company, and in his spare time, he does speaking and training for software development and programming language communities in Indonesia. He is also a member of F# Foundation speaker program. He enjoys being a full-time technical polyglot software developer, mingling both OOP and functional programming at the same time.

He currently holds a Microsoft MVP award in Visual Studio development platform competency, from 2011 to 2017, for more than 5 consecutive years.

He lives in Jakarta with his wife, enjoying reading and cooking heterogeneous exotic food in Indonesia.

Table of Contents

  1. Performing Common Optimizations in F#
  2. Performance Measurement
  3. Optimizing Data Structures
  4. Introduction to Concurrency in F#
  5. Advanced Concurrency Support in F#
  6. Optimizing Type Provider
  7. Language Features and Constructs Optimization
  8. Optimizing Computation Expressions



  • 探索 F# 和 .NET TPL 中的高級並發支持

  • 涵蓋 F# 中的主要優化技術,以提高應用程序的性能

  • 使用 Struct、Class 和 Record 模型,在不影響性能的情況下與 C# 和 VB 進行互操作


F# 是一種功能性編程語言,用於需要高性能的企業應用程序。它具有獨特的特點:它既是一種功能性編程語言,又同時支持面向對象編程。

本書將通過易於理解且可應用於實際工作的示例,幫助您使 F# 應用程序運行更快。您將能夠評估程序的性能並識別瓶頸。

從對 F# 中並發功能的簡要概述開始,您將了解 F# 中的高級並發優化主題,例如 MailboxProcessor 的 F# 消息傳遞代理和與 .NET TPL 的進一步互操作。基於這些知識,您將能夠在實現和使用其他 F# 語言特性時進一步優化性能。

本書還介紹了使用 F# 最佳實踐和 F# 函式庫的優化技術。您將學習並發和並行編程的概念如何幫助提高性能。通過這樣做,您將能夠充分利用多核處理器,並跟踪內存泄漏、根本原因和 CPU 問題。



  • 了解 F# 中函式的執行方式

  • 識別常見的性能瓶頸

  • 實施最佳實踐以優化性能

  • 使用可用的工具來幫助測量性能

  • 結合異步和同步的最佳實踐

  • 使用各種 F# 語言結構進一步優化


Eriawan Kusumawardhono 是一位資深軟體開發工程師,擁有超過 13 年的軟體開發經驗,其中 11 年是在 .NET 上開發,從 Visual Studio 2003 的推出開始。他在 Allegro Development 這家軟體開發公司工作,並在業餘時間為印尼的軟體開發和程式語言社群進行演講和培訓。他還是 F# Foundation 演講者計劃的成員。他喜歡成為一名全職的技術多語言軟體開發人員,同時融合面向對象和功能性編程。

他目前擁有微軟 Visual Studio 開發平台能力的 MVP 獎項,從 2011 年至 2017 年,連續 5 年以上。



  1. 在 F# 中進行常見優化

  2. 性能測量

  3. 優化數據結構

  4. 介紹 F# 中的並發

  5. F# 中的高級並發支持

  6. 優化類型提供者

  7. 語言特性和結構優化

  8. 優化計算表達式