Mastering Qt 5 (Paperback)

Guillaume Lazar, Robin Penea



Master application development by writing succinct, robust, and reusable code with Qt 5

About This Book

  • Unleash the power of Qt 5 with C++14
  • Integrate useful third-party libraries such as OpenCV
  • Package and deploy your application on multiple platforms

Who This Book Is For

This book will appeal to developers and programmers who would like to build GUI-based applications. Knowledge of C++ is necessary and the basics of Qt would be helpful.

What You Will Learn

  • Create stunning UIs with Qt Widget and Qt Quick
  • Develop powerful, cross-platform applications with the Qt framework
  • Design GUIs with the Qt Designer and build a library in it for UI preview
  • Handle user interaction with the Qt signal/slot mechanism in C++
  • Prepare a cross-platform project to host a third-party library
  • Build a Qt application using the OpenCV API
  • Use the Qt Animation framework to display stunning effects
  • Deploy mobile apps with Qt and embedded platforms

In Detail

Qt 5.7 is an application development framework that provides a great user experience and develops full-capability applications with Qt Widgets, QML, and even Qt 3D.

This book will address challenges in successfully developing cross-platform applications with the Qt framework. Cross-platform development needs a well-organized project. Using this book, you will have a better understanding of the Qt framework and the tools to resolve serious issues such as linking, debugging, and multithreading. Your journey will start with the new Qt 5 features. Then you will explore different platforms and learn to tame them. Every chapter along the way is a logical step that you must take to master Qt. The journey will end in an application that has been tested and is ready to be shipped.

Style and approach

This is an easy-to-follow yet comprehensive guide to building applications in Qt. Each chapter covers increasingly advanced topics, with subjects grouped according to their complexity as well as their usefulness. Packed with practical examples and explanations, Mastering Qt contains everything you need to take your applications to the next level.


透過使用 Qt 5,撰寫簡潔、強大且可重複使用的程式碼,來精通應用程式開發。

- 發揮 C++14 的 Qt 5 功能
- 整合實用的第三方庫,如 OpenCV
- 在多個平台上打包和部署應用程式

本書適合對於構建基於圖形使用者介面的應用程式有興趣的開發人員和程式設計師。需要具備 C++ 的知識,並且對 Qt 的基礎有所了解。

- 使用 Qt Widget 和 Qt Quick 創建令人驚艷的使用者介面
- 使用 Qt 框架開發強大的跨平台應用程式
- 使用 Qt Designer 設計使用者介面,並在其中建立一個用於預覽的庫
- 使用 C++ 中的 Qt 信號/槽機制處理使用者互動
- 準備一個跨平台專案來托管第三方庫
- 使用 OpenCV API 構建 Qt 應用程式
- 使用 Qt 動畫框架顯示令人驚艷的效果
- 使用 Qt 和嵌入式平台部署行動應用程式

Qt 5.7 是一個應用程式開發框架,提供出色的使用者體驗,並使用 Qt Widgets、QML 甚至 Qt 3D 開發具有完整功能的應用程式。

本書將解決使用 Qt 框架成功開發跨平台應用程式所面臨的挑戰。跨平台開發需要一個組織良好的專案。通過本書,您將更好地了解 Qt 框架以及解決嚴重問題(如鏈接、調試和多線程)的工具。您的學習之旅將從新的 Qt 5 功能開始。然後,您將探索不同的平台並學習如何掌握它們。沿途的每一章都是您必須採取的邏輯步驟,以精通 Qt。這個旅程將以一個經過測試並準備好發布的應用程式結束。

- 這是一本易於理解但全面的 Qt 應用程式構建指南。
- 每一章都涵蓋越來越高級的主題,主題根據其複雜性和實用性進行分組。
- 充滿實用的例子和解釋,Mastering Qt 包含了您需要將應用程式提升到更高水平的一切。