Teaching with Google Classroom

Michael Zhang


Key Features

  • This is the first book to guide educators step by step through teaching with Google Classroom
  • It s focused on you, your students, and providing great learning experiences easily
  • It s easy to follow, with everything you need to get started and keep going even if you re not a technology fan

Book Description

Google Classroom helps teachers bring their work online. According to Google Trends, it s already bigger than Moodle after barely a year in the wild. This book is a complete start-to-finish guide for teachers using Google Classroom for the first time. It explains what Google Classroom is, what it can do, how to set it up, and how to use it to enhance student learning while making your life as a teacher easier. It shows you how to place resources and activities online, gather assignments, and develop group and individual activities. It s not just a manual, you ll also discover inspiring, easy ways to put Google Classroom to work for you and your class.

What you will learn

  • Create a Google Classroom and add customized information for each individual class
  • Add students to a Google Classroom
  • Send announcements and questions to students
  • Create, distribute, collect, and grade assignments through Google Classroom
  • Add events to and share a Google Classroom s calendar with parents to track a student's progress
  • Reuse posts, archive classrooms, and perform other administrative tasks in Google Classroom
  • Use Google Docs Add-ons, and Google Chrome Webstore Apps and Extensions to enhance assignments
  • Set up Google Classroom s mobile app

About the Author

Michael Zhang is a certified trainer for Google Apps for Education. He has an Education and Science degree from the University of Alberta and works within the public school system in Canada. He is in contact with a large population of teachers and often questions them regarding modern technologies within the classroom. Given the opportunity, he teaches classes as well and has opportunities to use Google Apps for Education for a consistent set of students. Michael has spoken at several teaching conventions and facilitates technology training in Google Apps, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud and other software. His experiences help him to communicate technology in a comprehensible manner to his audience. He believes that technology should save time and improve productivity and hopes this book does just that for its readers.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting to Know Google Classroom
  2. Inviting Students to Their Virtual Classroom
  3. Sending Your First Announcement
  4. Starting an Online Discussion with Questions
  5. Handing out and Taking in Assignments
  6. Grading Written Assignments in a Flash
  7. Google Forms for Multiple Choice and Fill-in-the-blank Assignments
  8. Keeping Parents in the Loop
  9. Customizing to Your Subject



  • 這是第一本逐步指導教育工作者如何使用Google Classroom的書籍

  • 專注於您、學生和提供輕鬆的學習體驗

  • 易於跟隨,提供您開始並持續使用的一切,即使您不是技術愛好者


Google Classroom幫助教師將他們的工作上網。根據Google Trends的數據,在野外僅僅一年後,它已經比Moodle更受歡迎。這本書是為首次使用Google Classroom的教師提供的一個完整的指南。它解釋了Google Classroom是什麼,它能做什麼,如何設置它,以及如何在提升學生學習的同時使您作為教師的生活更輕鬆。它向您展示如何在線上放置資源和活動,收集作業,以及開展小組和個別活動。它不僅僅是一本手冊,您還將發現啟發人心且簡單易行的方法,讓Google Classroom為您和您的班級服務。


  • 創建Google Classroom並為每個班級添加自定義信息

  • 將學生添加到Google Classroom

  • 向學生發送公告和問題

  • 通過Google Classroom創建、分發、收集和評分作業

  • 將事件添加到Google Classroom的日曆中,並與家長共享以追踪學生的進度

  • 在Google Classroom中重複使用帖子,封存班級以及執行其他管理任務

  • 使用Google Docs附加元件,以及Google Chrome Webstore應用程式和擴展功能來增強作業

  • 設置Google Classroom的移動應用程式


Michael Zhang是Google Apps for Education的認證培訓師。他擁有亞伯達大學的教育和科學學位,並在加拿大的公立學校系統工作。他與大量教師保持聯繫,並經常向他們詢問關於課堂內的現代技術的問題。在有機會的情況下,他也會教授課程,並有機會為一組學生使用Google Apps for Education。Michael曾在多個教學會議上發表演講,並在Google Apps、Microsoft Office、Adobe Creative Cloud和其他軟件的技術培訓中提供協助。他的經驗幫助他以易於理解的方式向觀眾傳達技術。他相信技術應該節省時間並提高生產力,並希望這本書能為讀者做到這一點。


  1. 認識Google Classroom

  2. 邀請學生進入虛擬教室

  3. 發送第一個公告

  4. 開始線上討論

  5. 分發和收取作業

  6. 快速評分書面作業

  7. 使用Google Forms進行多選和填空作業

  8. 讓家長了解情況

  9. 根據科目進行自定義設置