Web Development with Django Cookbook, 2/e(Paperback)

Aidas Bendoraitis

  • 出版商: Packt Publishing
  • 出版日期: 2016-01-29
  • 售價: $2,210
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,100
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 384
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1785886770
  • ISBN-13: 9781785886775
  • 相關分類: Django
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約3~4週)


Key Features

  • This is the latest book on the market that will help you take advantage of the new features added to Django 1.8
  • This book consists of recipes of varying complexities to help you create multilingual, responsive, and scalable websites with Django
  • This updated edition teaches you major Django functions and will help you improve your skills by developing models, forms, views, and templates

Book Description

Django is a web framework that was designed to strike a balance between rapid web development and high performance. It has the capacity to handle applications with high levels of user traffic and interaction, and can integrate with massive databases on the backend, constantly collecting and processing data in real time.

Through this book, you'll discover that collecting data from different sources and providing it to others in different formats isn't as difficult as you thought. It follows a task-based approach to guide you through all the web development processes using the Django framework. We'll start by setting up the virtual environment for a Django project and configuring it. Then you'll learn to write reusable pieces of code for your models and find out how to manage database schema changes using South migrations. After that, we'll take you through working with forms and views to enter and list data. With practical examples on using templates and JavaScript together, you will discover how to create the best user experience. In the final chapters, you'll be introduced to some programming and debugging tricks and finally, you will be shown how to test and deploy the project to a remote dedicated server.

By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of the new features added to Django 1.8 and be an expert at web development processes.

What you will learn

  • Get started with the basic configuration necessary to start any Django project
  • Build a database structure out of reusable model mixins
  • Manage forms and views and get to know some useful patterns that are used to create them
  • Create handy template filters and tags that you can reuse in every project
  • Integrate your own functionality into the Django CMS
  • Manage hierarchical structures with MPTT
  • Import data from local sources and external web services as well as exporting your data to third parties
  • Implement a multilingual search with Haystack
  • Test and deploy your project efficiently

About the Author

Aidas Bendoraitis has been professionally working with web technologies for over a decade. Over the past nine years at a Berlin-based company, studio 38 pure communication GmbH, he has developed a number of small-scale and large-scale Django projects―mostly in the cultural area―together with a creative team. At the moment, he is also working as a software architect at a London-based mobile startup, Hype.

Aidas regularly attends meetups of Django User Group Berlin, occasionally visits Django and Python conferences, and writes a weblog about Django: http://djangotricks.blogspot.com/.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with Django 1.8
  2. Database Structure
  3. Forms and Views
  4. Templates and JavaScript
  5. Custom Template Filters and Tags
  6. Model Administration
  7. Django CMS
  8. Hierarchical Structures
  9. Data Import and Export
  10. Bells and Whistles
  11. Testing and Deployment



  • 這是市場上最新的一本書,將幫助您充分利用 Django 1.8 新增的功能

  • 本書包含各種複雜程度的示例,幫助您使用 Django 創建多語言、響應式和可擴展的網站

  • 這本更新的版本將教您主要的 Django 函數,並通過開發模型、表單、視圖和模板來幫助您提高技能


Django 是一個旨在平衡快速網頁開發和高性能的網頁框架。它具有處理高流量和互動的應用程序的能力,並且可以與後端的大型數據庫集成,實時收集和處理數據。

通過本書,您將發現從不同來源收集數據並以不同格式提供給他人並不像您想像的那麼困難。本書採用基於任務的方法,引導您通過使用 Django 框架進行所有網頁開發過程。我們將從設置 Django 項目的虛擬環境並進行配置開始。然後,您將學習為模型編寫可重用的代碼片段,並了解如何使用 South 遷移管理數據庫模式更改。之後,我們將帶您進入使用表單和視圖進行數據輸入和列表的領域。通過實際示例,您將發現如何結合使用模板和 JavaScript,創建最佳的用戶體驗。在最後幾章中,您將介紹一些編程和調試技巧,最後,您將學習如何測試和部署項目到遠程專用服務器。

通過閱讀本書,您將對 Django 1.8 新增的功能有很好的理解,並成為網頁開發過程的專家。


  • 開始使用任何 Django 項目所需的基本配置

  • 使用可重用的模型 mixin 構建數據庫結構

  • 管理表單和視圖,並了解創建它們所使用的一些有用模式

  • 創建方便的模板過濾器和標籤,可在每個項目中重複使用

  • 將自己的功能集成到 Django CMS 中

  • 使用 MPTT 管理層次結構

  • 從本地源和外部 Web 服務導入數據,並將數據導出給第三方

  • 使用 Haystack 實現多語言搜索

  • 高效測試和部署項目


Aidas Bendoraitis 在網頁技術領域有超過十年的專業工作經驗。在柏林的一家公司 studio 38 pure communication GmbH 工作的九年中,他與一個創意團隊一起開發了許多小型和大型 Django 項目,主要集中在文化領域。目前,他還在倫敦的一家移動初創公司 Hype 擔任軟體架構師。

Aidas 經常參加 Django User Group Berlin 的聚會,偶爾參加 Django 和 Python 的會議,並在他的網誌上寫有關 Django 的文章:http://djangotricks.blogspot.com/。


  1. 開始使用 Django 1.8

  2. 數據庫結構

  3. 表單和視圖

  4. 模板和 JavaScript

  5. 自定義模板過濾器和標籤

  6. 模型管理

  7. Django CMS

  8. 層次結構

  9. 數據導入和導出

  10. 高級功能

  11. 測試和部署