Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming (Paperback)

Ashwin Pajankar




Design and implement your own computer vision applications with the Raspberry Pi

About This Book

  • Explore the vast opportunities of computer vision with the Raspberry Pi and Python
  • Design and develop webcam and Raspberry Pi based applications
  • The book features ample screenshots that will offer a play-by-play account on how to implement computer vision fundamentals and applications

Who This Book Is For

This book is intended for novices, as well as seasoned Raspberry Pi and Python enthusiasts, who would like to explore the area of computer vision. Readers with very little programming or coding/scripting experience can create wonderful image processing and computer vision applications with relatively fewer lines of code in Python.

In Detail

This book will provide you with the skills you need to successfully design and implement your own Raspberry Pi and Python-based computer vision projects.

From the beginning, this book will cover how to set up your Raspberry Pi for computer vision applications, exploring the basics of OpenCV, and how to design and implement real-life computer vision applications on your own. By sequentially working through the steps in each chapter, you will quickly be able to master the features of OpenCV. In the end of the book, you will also be introduced to SimpleCV, which is another powerful computer vision library for Python. Featuring plenty of coding examples and exercises, this book offers you an unparalleled learning experience.


設計並實現您自己的Raspberry Pi計算機視覺應用程式


  • 使用Raspberry Pi和Python探索計算機視覺的廣闊機會

  • 設計和開發基於網絡攝像頭和Raspberry Pi的應用程式

  • 本書提供了大量的屏幕截圖,逐步介紹如何實現計算機視覺基礎知識和應用程式


本書適合初學者以及有經驗的Raspberry Pi和Python愛好者,他們希望探索計算機視覺領域。即使讀者在編程或編碼/腳本經驗方面很少,也可以使用相對較少的Python代碼創建出色的圖像處理和計算機視覺應用程式。


本書將為您提供成功設計和實現基於Raspberry Pi和Python的計算機視覺項目所需的技能。

從一開始,本書將介紹如何為計算機視覺應用程式設置您的Raspberry Pi,探索OpenCV的基礎知識,以及如何自己設計和實現真實的計算機視覺應用程式。通過按照每章中的步驟逐步進行工作,您將能夠迅速掌握OpenCV的功能。在本書的最後,您還將介紹另一個強大的Python計算機視覺庫SimpleCV。本書提供了大量的編碼示例和練習,為您提供了無與倫比的學習體驗。