OpenStack for Architects

Michael Solberg, Ben Silverman



About This Book

  • Explore the various design choices available for cloud architects within an OpenStack deployment
  • Craft an OpenStack architecture and deployment pipeline to meet the unique needs of your organization
  • Create a product roadmap for Infrastructure as a Service in your organization using this hands-on guide

Who This Book Is For

This book is written especially for those who will design OpenStack clouds and lead their implementation. These people are typically cloud architects, but may also be in product management, systems engineering, or enterprise architecture.

What You Will Learn

  • Familiarize yourself with the components of OpenStack
  • Build an increasingly complex OpenStack lab deployment
  • Write compelling documentation for the architecture teams within your organization
  • Apply Agile configuration management techniques to deploy OpenStack
  • Integrate OpenStack with your organization's identity management, provisioning, and billing systems
  • Configure a robust virtual environment for users to interact with
  • Use enterprise security guidelines for your OpenStack deployment
  • Create a product roadmap that delivers functionality quickly to the users of your platform

In Detail

Over the last 5 years, hundreds of organizations have successfully implemented Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms based on OpenStack. The huge amount of investment from these organizations, industry giants such as IBM and HP, as well as open source leaders such as Red Hat have led analysts to label OpenStack as the most important open source technology since the Linux operating system. Because of its ambitious scope, OpenStack is a complex and fast-evolving open source project that requires a diverse skill-set to design and implement it.

This guide leads you through each of the major decision points that you'll face while architecting an OpenStack private cloud for your organization. At each point, we offer you advice based on the experience we've gained from designing and leading successful OpenStack projects in a wide range of industries. Each chapter also includes lab material that gives you a chance to install and configure the technologies used to build production-quality OpenStack clouds. Most importantly, we focus on ensuring that your OpenStack project meets the needs of your organization, which will guarantee a successful roll-out.



- 探索在 OpenStack 部署中雲架構師可用的各種設計選擇
- 製作一個符合組織獨特需求的 OpenStack 架構和部署流程
- 使用這本實用指南為組織的基礎設施即服務(IaaS)創建一個產品路線圖

本書適合對設計 OpenStack 雲並領導其實施的人士,通常是雲架構師,但也可能是產品管理、系統工程或企業架構等領域的人員。


- 熟悉 OpenStack 的組件
- 構建越來越複雜的 OpenStack 實驗室部署
- 為組織內的架構團隊撰寫引人入勝的文檔
- 應用敏捷配置管理技術來部署 OpenStack
- 將 OpenStack 整合到組織的身份管理、供應和計費系統中
- 為用戶配置強大的虛擬環境
- 使用企業安全指南來配置 OpenStack 部署
- 創建一個能夠快速為平台用戶提供功能的產品路線圖


在過去的5年中,數百家組織成功實施了基於 OpenStack 的基礎設施即服務(IaaS)平台。這些組織的大量投資,以及 IBM、HP等行業巨頭以及紅帽等開源領導者的參與,使分析師將 OpenStack 譽為自 Linux 作業系統以來最重要的開源技術。由於其雄心勃勃的範圍,OpenStack 是一個複雜且快速發展的開源項目,需要多樣化的技能來設計和實施。

本指南將引導您在為組織設計 OpenStack 私有雲時面臨的每個重要決策點。在每個決策點上,我們根據我們在各種行業中設計和領導成功的 OpenStack 項目中獲得的經驗為您提供建議。每個章節還包括實驗材料,讓您有機會安裝和配置用於構建生產質量的 OpenStack 雲的技術。最重要的是,我們專注於確保您的 OpenStack 項目滿足組織的需求,這將保證成功的推出。