How Cybersecurity Really Works: A Hands-On Guide for Total Beginners

Grubb, Sam




Cybersecurity for Beginners is an engaging, informal introduction to the field of cybersecurity. Readers learn how attackers operate, as well as how to defend individuals and organizations against online attacks.

- An accessible introduction to the field of cybersecurity, requiring no prior technical knowledge
- Readers learn how black hat (criminal) hackers select targets, trick victims into divulging private information, deploy malware, steal passwords, steal data, pirate WiFi, and escape detection
- Readers also learn strategies for defending against online attacks



- 這本書對於網路安全領域是一個易於理解的入門指南,不需要先備的技術知識。
- 讀者將學習黑帽駭客(犯罪者)如何選擇目標、欺騙受害者透露私人資訊、部署惡意軟體、竊取密碼、竊取數據、盜用WiFi並逃避偵測。
- 讀者還將學習防禦網路攻擊的策略。


Sam Grubb is a cybersecurity consultant for a managed service provider that works with a large variety of clients. He has six years of experience teaching cybersecurity to both adults and teenagers and holds several cybersecurity certifications, including the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.


Sam Grubb 是一位網路安全顧問,為一家與各種客戶合作的網路服務供應商工作。他擁有六年的教授成人和青少年網路安全的經驗,並持有多項網路安全認證,包括「Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)」認證。