Make: Radio: Learn about Radio Through Electronics, Wireless Experiments, and Projects (Paperback) (製作:無線電:透過電子學、無線實驗和專案學習無線電)
Jansson, Fredrik
$380$300 -
$210$200 -
This book introduces the reader to amateur radio and prepares them for the FCC Technician license exam. It focuses on electronics and wireless technologies through projects that provide some hands-on hardware construction and operation. The reader can look upon this book as a short course in electronic and radio fundamentals that appear as questions in the FCC exam.
The book also summarizes the many potential activities and sub-interests possible in this hobby such as satellites, QRP (low power operation) and the new digital modes. Finally the book presents a more realistic approach to studying to pass the Technician exam.
本書向讀者介紹業餘無線電,並為他們準備 FCC 技術員執照考試。書中專注於電子學和無線技術,透過一些實作項目提供動手硬體建設和操作的經驗。讀者可以將本書視為一門關於電子和無線電基礎的短期課程,這些基礎知識會在 FCC 考試中以問題的形式出現。
Charles Platt is a contributing editor and regular columnist for Make: magazine, where he writes about electronics and tools. Platt was a senior writer for Wired magazine, has written various computer books, and has been fascinated by electronics since he put together a telephone answering machine from a tape recorder and military-surplus relays at age 15. He lives in a Northern Arizona wilderness area, where he has his own workshop for prototype fabrication and the projects that he writes about for Make: magazine.
查爾斯·普拉特(Charles Platt)是《Make:》雜誌的特約編輯和定期專欄作家,專門撰寫有關電子產品和工具的文章。普拉特曾是《Wired》雜誌的資深撰稿人,撰寫過多本電腦書籍,自15歲時用錄音機和軍用剩餘繼電器組裝電話答錄機以來,他便對電子產品產生了濃厚的興趣。他居住在北亞利桑那州的一個荒野地區,擁有自己的原型製作工作坊,並在《Make:》雜誌上撰寫相關項目。