Alternate Data Storage Forensics

Amber Schroader, Tyler Cohen





train the Secret Service, FBI, and Department of Defense in bleeding edge digital forensics techniques. This book sets a new forensic methodology standard for investigators to use.
This book begins by describing how alternate data storage devices are used to both move and hide data. From here a series of case studies using bleeding edge forensic analysis tools demonstrate to readers how to perform forensic investigations on a variety of ADS devices including: Apple iPods, Digital Video Recorders, Cameras, Gaming Consoles (Xbox, PS2, and PSP), Bluetooth devices, and more using state of the art tools. Finally, the book takes a look into the future at not yet every day devices which will soon be common repositories for hiding and moving data for both legitimate and illegitimate purposes.

* Authors are undisputed leaders who train the Secret Service, FBI, and Department of Defense
* Book presents one of a kind bleeding edge information that absolutely can not be found anywhere else
* Today the industry has exploded and cyber investigators can be found in almost every field





* 作者是特務局、聯邦調查局和國防部的無可爭議的領導者
* 本書提供了獨一無二的最先進信息,絕對無法在其他地方找到
* 如今,這個行業已經蓬勃發展,幾乎在每個領域都可以找到網絡調查人員