This long-awaited resource offers the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks that will make your SAP BW system shine. Walk through system setup and configuration to lay a sound foundation for effective data storage, and then employ performance tuning techniques to optimize system performance.
- System design and installation
- System and data architecture
- Data loading and management
- Hardware maintenance
- Alerting
- Reporting performance tuning
- Database maintenance
- Data modeling performance tuning
- Log and trace cleanup
- System checks
- Housekeeping tasks
這本期待已久的資源提供了日常、每週、每月、每季和每年的任務,讓您的 SAP BW 系統閃耀光芒。逐步了解系統的設置和配置,以為有效的數據存儲奠定堅實的基礎,然後運用性能調優技術來優化系統性能。
- 系統設計與安裝
- 系統與數據架構
- 數據加載與管理
- 硬體維護
- 警報設置
- 報告性能調優
- 數據庫維護
- 數據建模性能調優
- 日誌與追蹤清理
- 系統檢查
- 維護任務