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One of the most basic laws of a web application is that the client, not the server, must initiate any communication between the two. There are a number of common–use cases where, ideally, the server would like to talk to the client—dashboards and monitoring apps, chat rooms and other collaborations, and progress reports on long–running processes. Comet (a.k.a. Reverse Ajax) provides a mechanism for enabling this. Comet is moderately complex to implement. But this practical, hands–on book gets you going.
- In Part 1 of this book, we start by examining the use cases, and look at the simple alternatives to Comet and how far they can satisfy your needs. In some situations, though, only Comet will do.
- In Part 2, we demonstrate how to set up and run a Comet–based application.
With this book, be a part of the next generation, Ajax 2.0.
What you’ll learn
- Find out what Comet is and the trouble with HTTP.
- See how to achieve push, polling, piggy–backing, raw sockets, and more.
- Explore some common use cases and a worked example on “magnetic poetry.”
- Understand what some issues and techniques are including the two–request limit, pub–sub and server architectures, and continuations vs. native Comet.
- Use implementations of Comet, including Cometd/Bayeaux, Reverse Ajax in DWR, and more.
- Work through the final example using DWR Framework.
Who is this book for?
This firstPress title is for Ajax developers who are intrigued by Comet/Reverse Ajax, key to the next generation Ajax 2.0.
網頁應用程式的最基本法則之一是,通訊必須由客戶端而非伺服器端發起。有許多常見的使用情境,伺服器希望能與客戶端進行通訊,例如儀表板和監控應用程式、聊天室和其他協作工具,以及長時間執行的進度報告。Comet(又稱反向 Ajax)提供了實現這一目標的機制。Comet的實現相對複雜,但這本實用的實作指南將帶領您入門。
通過閱讀本書,您將成為下一代Ajax 2.0的一份子。
- 了解Comet是什麼以及HTTP的問題。
- 瞭解如何實現推送、輪詢、附加載入、原始套接字等功能。
- 探索一些常見的使用情境,並通過“磁力詩”示例進行實作。
- 瞭解一些問題和技術,包括雙請求限制、發布-訂閱和伺服器架構,以及繼續處理與本地Comet的比較。
- 使用Comet的實現,包括Cometd/Bayeaux、DWR中的反向Ajax等。
- 通過使用DWR Framework完成最終示例。
本書適合對Comet/反向Ajax感興趣的Ajax開發人員,這是下一代Ajax 2.0的關鍵技術。