Free-Format RPG IV: How to Bring Your RPG Programs Into the 21st Century (Paperback)

Jim Martin

  • 出版商: MC Press
  • 出版日期: 2005-08-01
  • 售價: $399
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 216
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1583470557
  • ISBN-13: 9781583470558
  • 已絕版





What could be more important than upgrading your RPG skills? Traditional fixed-format style RPG IV programmers everywhere are embracing the increased productivity, better readability, and easier program maintenance that comes with the free-format style of programming in RPG IV. This book, a "how-to" guide and the first of its kind, will provide you with concise and thorough information on this powerful new way of coding RPG IV.

Though free-format information is available in IBM manuals, it is not separated from everything else, thereby requiring hours of tedious research to track down the information you need. With this book, your search is over. Free-Format RPG IV is the "one-stop" resource that will save you time and frustration. In it, you'll find everything you need to know to write RPG IV in the free-format style.

Author Jim Martin not only teaches rules and syntax, but also explains how this new style of coding has the potential to improve overall programmer productivity—from initial development through maintenance. He methodically covers the "how to" involved in free-format RPG IV, including many style issues, such as named indicators and built-in functions. He also addresses input and output, program flow, data manipulation, and math operations. There is even a chapter on prototyping and APIs.

Free-Format RPG IV is the definitive guide on the topic and just what you need to get started with this exciting, powerful style of programming.

With Free-Format RPG IV you will:

- Learn not only the "how-to," but also the "why" of free-format RPG IV

- Acquire essential, free-format style tips to help you write good, maintainable code

- Find complete-program solutions for specific problems, including associated display and printer files

- Discover how upgrading your RPG skills to free-format can take your programming career to the next level.



有什麼比提升你的RPG技能更重要的呢?傳統的固定格式RPG IV程式設計師們正在接受自由格式編程的方式,這種方式提高了生產力,增加了可讀性,並且更容易維護程式。這本書是一本「如何」指南,也是第一本這樣的書,它將為您提供關於這種強大的新編程方式的簡潔而全面的信息。

儘管IBM手冊中提供了自由格式的信息,但它並未與其他內容分離,因此需要耗費大量時間進行繁瑣的研究以找到所需的信息。有了這本書,您的搜索就結束了。《自由格式RPG IV》是一個「一站式」資源,可以節省您的時間和挫折。在這本書中,您將找到所有有關以自由格式編寫RPG IV所需的知識。

作者Jim Martin不僅教授規則和語法,還解釋了這種新編程方式如何提高整體程式設計師的生產力,從初始開發到維護。他有系統地介紹了自由格式RPG IV的「如何」,包括許多風格問題,如命名指示器和內建函數。他還涉及輸入和輸出、程式流程、數據操作和數學運算。甚至還有一章關於原型和API。

《自由格式RPG IV》是這個主題的權威指南,也是您開始這種令人興奮且強大的編程風格所需的資料。

通過《自由格式RPG IV》,您將:

- 學習自由格式RPG IV的「如何」和「為什麼」
- 獲得寫出良好且易於維護的程式所需的自由格式風格技巧
- 找到特定問題的完整程式解決方案,包括相關的顯示和打印文件
- 發現將您的RPG技能升級到自由格式可以將您的程式設計生涯提升到新的水平。