Is Math Real?: How Simple Questions Lead Us to Mathematics' Deepest Truths

Cheng, Eugenia


One of the world's most creative mathematicians offers a new way to look at math--focusing on questions, not answers

Where do we learn math: From rules in a textbook? From logic and deduction? Not really, according to mathematician Eugenia Cheng: we learn it from human curiosity--most importantly, from asking questions. This may come as a surprise to those who think that math is about finding the one right answer, or those who were told that the "dumb" question they asked just proved they were bad at math. But Cheng shows why people who ask questions like "Why does 1 + 1 = 2?" are at the very heart of the search for mathematical truth.

Is Math Real? is a much-needed repudiation of the rigid ways we're taught to do math, and a celebration of the true, curious spirit of the discipline. Written with intelligence and passion, Is Math Real? brings us math as we've never seen it before, revealing how profound insights can emerge from seemingly unlikely sources.  



我們從哪裡學習數學:從教科書中的規則?從邏輯和推理?根據數學家Eugenia Cheng的說法,並不完全是這樣:我們是從人類的好奇心中學習的——最重要的是,從提問中學習。對於那些認為數學是尋找唯一正確答案的人,或是那些被告知自己提出的「愚蠢」問題只證明他們數學不好的人來說,這可能會讓人感到驚訝。但Cheng展示了為什麼像「為什麼1 + 1 = 2?」這樣提問的人,正是尋求數學真理的核心。



Eugenia Cheng is scientist in residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and honorary visiting fellow at City, University of London. She has authored numerous titles, including How to Bake Pi, Beyond Infinity, The Art of Logic, and x + y. Cheng lives in Chicago, Illinois.


Eugenia Cheng 是芝加哥藝術學院的駐校科學家,並且是倫敦城市大學的榮譽訪問研究員。她著有多本書籍,包括《如何烘焙圓周率》、《超越無限》、《邏輯的藝術》和《x + y》。Cheng 目前居住在伊利諾伊州的芝加哥。