Python: Programming, Master's Handbook; A TRUE Beginner's Guide! Problem Solving, Code, Data Science, Data Structures & Algorithms (Code like a PRO ... engineering, r programming, iOS development

Code Well Academy, R.M.Z. Trigo



Learn Python STRAIGHT from the Masters!

“ I found this book to be very easy to follow and well-written. The author speaks to beginners such as myself and I learned a lot that I didn't know before. “ - S. Hendricks, from “ I liked how this book explained the language for starters, it was simple to understand. “ - Cathy, from “ I always thought Python was be a tough language to master, but this book proved me so wrong. “ - Aaron Parker, from Do you want an EASIER, faster learning experience in coding? Are you ready to start a FULFILLING career in Programming? Crafted by some of the best minds who have studied in some of the world’s top universities, You’re among one of the best learning programs out there. But are you paying THOUSANDS of dollars just to learn how to code well? NO! Hundreds? Not even close. Within this book's pages, you'll find GREAT coding skills to learn - and more. Just some of the questions and topics include: - Certain mistakes in your code you DON’T want to commit... - How to make PROPER data structures (other books don’t teach you this way…) - How to make PROPER Functions (other books don’t teach you this way either…) - REAL coding workshops to test your new skills... - How to Change your Data without causing errors in your code (IMPORTANT!) and Much, much more! World-Class Training This book breaks your training down into easy-to-understand modules. It starts from the very essentials of data structures and functions, so you can write great code - even as a beginner!


「我發現這本書非常容易理解和寫得很好。作者針對像我這樣的初學者講解,我學到了很多以前不知道的知識。」- S. Hendricks, 來自
「我喜歡這本書如何為初學者解釋語言,很容易理解。」- Cathy, 來自
「我一直以為Python是一門難以掌握的語言,但這本書證明了我錯了。」- Aaron Parker, 來自
- 你不想犯的某些代碼錯誤...
- 如何製作正確的數據結構(其他書籍不會以這種方式教你...)
- 如何製作正確的函數(其他書籍也不會以這種方式教你...)
- 真實的編程研討會來測試你的新技能...
- 如何在不引起代碼錯誤的情況下更改你的數據(重要!)