A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript: The new approach that uses technology to cut your effort in half (Paperback)

Mark Myers

  • 出版商: CreateSpace Independ
  • 出版日期: 2014-03-20
  • 售價: $920
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$874
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 254
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1497408180
  • ISBN-13: 9781497408180
  • 相關分類: JavaScript
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



The most enthusiastically reviewed programming book on Amazon

Buy the book and get access to all 1,750 interactive exercises free.
"Damn, this program is ridiculously good. The author needs to sign up to run this country's education program."—Matthew Highland
"This is the most incredible learning experience I have ever had. Amazing!!" —Jon W. Christophersen
"If you're thinking of learning how to program in JavaScript, I promise, this is the ONLY way to go." —L. Phillips
"Mark's exercises are worth more than the $300 class I took. Love this program." —Michelle Schackel
"A truly innovative way to learn JavaScript" —William Burbank
"A powerful new, interactive teaching machine." —W. Green
"...lays things out in a way that anyone can understand." —Dr. Robert Valli
"...the companion website gives you a chance to practice it so that it sticks in your head for good." —Alan Forbes, developer and coding guru
"Not only am I learning JavaScript incredibly fast, I am enjoying it." —Justin A. Roether
"Finally! —exactly what I need to learn effectively." —Samantha Lim
"I've used it to complement what I learnt at Codeacademy."—Alexandre Bobeda
"We have now implemented this as one of the prerequisites before being accepted to the coding camp." —Douglas Paul Burns
"Great book for anyone wanting to start out programming."—Dane Cameron, software engineer
"Does a fantastic job of breaking down the process of learning a complicated subject." —Mitesh Dabhi, web designer and developer
"This is a fun book. It actually does makes learning JavaScript quite painless." —Amazon Customer
"If You're Too Dumb for a "For Dummies" book..."—C. Christopher Akin, IT professional
"A pretty cool way to learn a new language." —J. Oborn, web developer
"Best tool I've found." —Laine Gebhardt
"Clear, lively, and never dry." —Chandra K. Clarke
"My hand to God, this book never induced an afternoon nap, or even made me sleepy." —Jeremy Costa
"Simplifies the complicated." —Olu Odebunmi
"Strikes a perfect balance between learning, practicing and feedback." —Jeff Santos
"JavaScript made easy." —Clark Anderson
"Better than Codeacademy." —Callum Makkai

Become fluent in all the JavaScript fundamentals, in half the time.

  • Display alert messages to the user
  • Gather information through prompts
  • Manipulate variables
  • Build statements
  • Do math
  • Use operators
  • Concatenate text
  • Run routines based on conditions
  • Compare values
  • Work with arrays
  • Run automated routines
  • Display custom elements on the webpage
  • Generate random numbers
  • Manipulate decimals
  • Round numbers
  • Create loops
  • Use functions
  • Find the current date and time
  • Measure time intervals
  • Create a timer
  • Respond to the user's actions
  • Swap images
  • Control colors on the webpage
  • Change any element on the webpage
  • Improvise new HTML markup on the fly
  • Use the webpage DOM structure
  • Insert comments
  • Situate scripts effectively
  • Create and change objects
  • Automate object creation
  • Control the browser's actions


「天啊,這個程式真是太好了。作者應該參與我們國家的教育計畫。」—Matthew Highland
「這是我有過最令人難以置信的學習經驗。太神奇了!」—Jon W. Christophersen
「如果你想學習JavaScript編程,我保證,這是唯一的選擇。」—L. Phillips
「Mark的練習比我上過的300美元課程還要有價值。喜歡這個程式。」—Michelle Schackel
「一種真正創新的學習JavaScript的方式。」—William Burbank
「一個強大的新型互動教學機器。」—W. Green
「...以一種任何人都能理解的方式呈現事物。」—Dr. Robert Valli
「...附帶的網站讓你有機會練習,讓知識牢牢記在腦海中。」—Alan Forbes,開發者和編碼專家
「我不僅學習JavaScript的速度非常快,而且還很享受。」—Justin A. Roether
「終於!這正是我有效學習所需要的。」—Samantha Lim
「我用它來補充我在Codeacademy學到的知識。」—Alexandre Bobeda
「現在我們已將此作為編程營地錄取前的必修課之一。」—Douglas Paul Burns
「對於想要開始學習編程的任何人來說,這是一本很棒的書。」—Dane Cameron,軟體工程師
「它很好地分解了學習一個複雜主題的過程。」—Mitesh Dabhi,網頁設計師和開發者
「如果你對於『對於白癡的書』還是太笨了...」—C. Christopher Akin,IT專業人士
「一種很酷的學習新語言的方式。」—J. Oborn,網頁開發者
「我找到的最好的工具。」—Laine Gebhardt
「清晰、生動,從不枯燥。」—Chandra K. Clarke
「我向上帝發誓,這本書從未讓我打盹,甚至讓我想睡覺。」—Jeremy Costa
「簡化了複雜的事物。」—Olu Odebunmi
「在學習、練習和反饋之間取得了完美的平衡。」—Jeff Santos
「JavaScript變得簡單。」—Clark Anderson
「比Codeacademy更好。」—Callum Makkai

- 向使用者顯示警示訊息
- 通過提示收集資訊
- 操作變數
- 建立語句
- 執行數學運算
- 使用運算子
- 連接文字
- 根據條件運行程式
- 比較數值
- 使用陣列
- 執行自動化程式
- 在網頁上顯示自定義元素
- 生成隨機數字
- 操作小數
- 四捨五入數字
- 創建迴圈
- 使用函數
- 查找當前日期和時間
- 測量時間間隔
- 創建計時器
- 回應使用者的操作
- 切換圖片
- 控制網頁上的顏色
- 更改網頁上的任何元素
- 即興創建新的HTML標記
- 使用網頁DOM結構
- 插入註釋
- 有效地放置腳本
- 創建和更改物件
- 自動化物件創建
- 控制瀏覽器的操作