The Software Architect Elevator: Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise (Paperback)

Hohpe, Gregor




As the digital economy changes the rules of the game for enterprises, the role of software and IT architects is also transforming. Rather than focus on technical decisions alone, architects and senior technologists need to combine organizational and technical knowledge to effect change in their company's structure and processes. To accomplish that, they need to connect the IT engine room to the penthouse, where the business strategy is defined.

In this guide, author Gregor Hohpe shares real-world advice and hard-learned lessons from actual IT transformations. His anecdotes help architects, senior developers, and other IT professionals prepare for a more complex but rewarding role in the enterprise.

This book is ideal for:

  • Software architects and senior developers looking to shape the company's technology direction or assist in an organizational transformation
  • Enterprise architects and senior technologists searching for practical advice on how to navigate technical and organizational topics
  • CTOs and senior technical architects who are devising an IT strategy that impacts the way the organization works
  • IT managers who want to learn what's worked and what hasn't in large-scale transformation



在這本指南中,作者Gregor Hohpe分享了實際的IT轉型中的寶貴經驗和教訓。他的軼事幫助架構師、高級開發人員和其他IT專業人員為企業中更複雜但有價值的角色做好準備。


- 希望塑造公司技術方向或協助組織轉型的軟體架構師和高級開發人員。
- 尋求實際建議以應對技術和組織問題的企業架構師和高級技術人員。
- 正在制定影響組織運作方式的IT策略的CTO和高級技術架構師。
- 希望了解大規模轉型中的成功和失敗案例的IT經理。


Gregor advises CTOs and technology leaders in the transformation of both their organization and technology platform. Riding the Architect Elevator from the engine room to the penthouse, he assures that corporate strategy connects with the technical implementation and vice versa.

Gregor held positions as technical director in Google Cloud's Office of the CTO, where he helped customers maximize the value from a cloud-based IT model, and as Chief Architect at Allianz SE, where he oversaw the architecture of a global data center consolidation and deployed the first private cloud software delivery platform.

Gregor is known as co-author of the seminal book Enterprise Integration Patterns, which is widely cited as the reference vocabulary for asynchronous messaging solutions. His book 37 Things One Architect Knows About IT Transformation tells stories from the trenches of IT transformation while his articles have been featured in Best Software Writing by Joel Spolsky and 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know. He is an active member of the IEEE Software advisory board.


Gregor 在組織和技術平台轉型方面為 CTO 和技術領導者提供諮詢。他乘坐建築師電梯從機艙到頂層,確保企業戰略與技術實施相互連接。

Gregor 曾在 Google Cloud 的 CTO 辦公室擔任技術總監,幫助客戶最大化雲端 IT 模型的價值,並在 Allianz SE 擔任首席架構師,監督全球數據中心整合的架構並部署第一個私有雲軟體交付平台。

Gregor 以合著的重要著作《企業整合模式》而聞名,該書被廣泛引用作為異步消息解決方案的參考詞彙。他的著作《一位架構師對 IT 轉型的 37 個見解》講述了 IT 轉型的實戰故事,他的文章曾被 Joel Spolsky 的《最佳軟體寫作》和《每位軟體架構師都應該知道的 97 件事》選為特色文章。他是 IEEE Software 的諮詢委員會的活躍成員。