Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers (Paperback)

Adrian Mouat




Docker containers offer simpler, faster, and more robust methods for developing, distributing, and running software than previously available. With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn why containers are so important, what you’ll gain by adopting Docker, and how to make it part of your development process.

Ideal for developers, operations engineers, and system administrators—especially those keen to embrace a DevOps approach—Using Docker will take you from Docker and container basics to running dozens of containers on a multi-host system with networking and scheduling. The core of the book walks you through the steps needed to develop, test, and deploy a web application with Docker.

  • Get started with Docker by building and deploying a simple web application
  • Use Continuous Deployment techniques to push your application to production multiple times a day
  • Learn various options and techniques for logging and monitoring multiple containers
  • Examine networking and service discovery: how do containers find each other and how do you connect them?
  • Orchestrate and cluster containers to address load-balancing, scaling, failover, and scheduling
  • Secure your system by following the principles of defense-in-depth and least privilege




- 通過構建和部署一個簡單的Web應用程序來入門Docker
- 使用持續部署技術每天多次將應用程序推送到生產環境
- 學習多個容器的日誌記錄和監控選項和技術
- 探討網絡和服務發現:容器如何找到彼此並如何連接它們?
- 編排和集群容器以實現負載平衡、擴展、故障轉移和調度
- 通過遵循深度防禦和最小特權原則來保護您的系統
