Kubernetes: Preparing for the CKA and CKAD Certifications

Martin, Philippe

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2020-12-01
  • 定價: $1,600
  • 售價: 9.5$1,520
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 204
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1484264932
  • ISBN-13: 9781484264935
  • 相關分類: Kubernetes
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Master all the concepts and tools necessary to start administering a Kubernetes cluster and deploying applications to production. You will cover the entire curricula of the two Kubernetes certifications (for application developers and administrators).

The initial chapters guide you through deployment of a Kubernetes cluster on virtual machines and explore the different components of the control plane. Next, you will work with the kubectl command-line tool; namespaces, labels, selectors, and annotations--common resources used through the Kubernetes API. The following chapters describe the principle of controllers and detail how workload controllers work as well as the possibilities for configuring deployed applications.

You will also learn how to deploy a scalable and self-healing application, how pods are scheduled to nodes, how parts of the application can communicate, and how the application is discoverable from the outside. Next, you will cover security concerns describing the different authentication methods, the RBAC authorization mode, security contexts, network policies, and how to secure container images. You will also cover using persistent volumes for your containers to store long-term data, monitoring your clusters and applications and implementing design patterns for multi-container pods. The concluding chapters guide you through the upgrade of your deployed cluster.

After reading this book, you will have enough knowledge to deploy a complex application using a Kubernetes cluster and be ready for the certification exams.

What You Will Learn


  • Deploy a Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm and learn how the control plane works
  • Discover how the Kubernetes API is structured
  • Deploy secure, auto-scaled, and self-healing applications
  • Master the kubectl command-line tool


Who This Book Is For

Administrators and application developers with good knowledge of micro-services development and deployment.


掌握所有必要的概念和工具,以開始管理 Kubernetes 叢集並將應用程式部署到生產環境。您將涵蓋兩個 Kubernetes 認證(應用程式開發人員和管理員)的整個課程。

最初的章節將引導您在虛擬機上部署 Kubernetes 叢集並探索控制平面的不同組件。接下來,您將使用 kubectl 命令行工具;命名空間、標籤、選擇器和註釋 - 這些是 Kubernetes API 中常用的資源。接下來的章節描述了控制器的原則,並詳細介紹了工作負載控制器的工作原理以及配置部署應用程式的可能性。

您還將學習如何部署可擴展且自我修復的應用程式,以及如何將 Pod 調度到節點、應用程式的部分如何通信,以及如何從外部發現應用程式。接下來,您將涵蓋安全問題,描述不同的身份驗證方法、RBAC 授權模式、安全上下文、網路策略以及如何保護容器映像。您還將學習使用持久卷來存儲長期數據、監控叢集和應用程式,以及實施多容器 Pod 的設計模式。最後的章節將引導您升級已部署的叢集。

閱讀本書後,您將具備足夠的知識,能夠使用 Kubernetes 叢集部署複雜的應用程式,並準備好參加認證考試。


- 使用 kubeadm 部署 Kubernetes 叢集,並了解控制平面的工作原理
- 了解 Kubernetes API 的結構
- 部署安全、自動擴展和自我修復的應用程式
- 掌握 kubectl 命令行工具




Philippe Martin has been working with Kubernetes for three years, first by creating an operator to deploy video CDNs into the cloud, later helping companies deploy their applications into Kubernetes. Philippe passed the CKAD certification about a year ago and the CKA certification recently.

He has long experience with distributed systems and open-source software: he started his career 20 years ago creating thin clients based on the Linux kernel and open source components.

Philippe is active in the development of Kubernetes, especially its documentation, and participates in the translation of the official documentation into French, has edited two reference books about the Kubernetes API and kubectl, and is responsible for the French translation of the Kubernetes Dashboard.





Philippe Martin在Kubernetes上工作已有三年的時間,首先是通過創建一個操作者將視頻CDN部署到雲端,後來幫助公司將他們的應用程序部署到Kubernetes上。Philippe在一年前通過了CKAD認證,最近又通過了CKA認證。


Philippe在Kubernetes的開發中非常活躍,特別是在文檔方面,並參與將官方文檔翻譯成法語,他編輯了兩本關於Kubernetes API和kubectl的參考書籍,並負責Kubernetes儀表板的法語翻譯。