Learn Microsoft Visual Studio App Center: With Xamarin Forms

Sunny Mukherjee

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2019-04-01
  • 定價: $1,980
  • 售價: 9.5$1,881
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 330
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1484243811
  • ISBN-13: 9781484243817
  • 相關分類: Visual StudioCross-Platform
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Use Visual Studio App Center with Xamarin Forms by setting up a DevOps CI/CD pipeline, set up your mobile builds on either iOS or Android, distribute your app to your developers and testers, capture analytics and crashes from your users, communicate to your users with push notifications, and run UI tests on the Microsoft cloud. You will see how to automate and manage the life cycle of your apps through Microsoft's Cloud Service, with a focus on integrating App Center into your Xamarin Forms apps with clear, practical examples. The book starts by showing you how to sign up for App Center and how to create builds, integrate analytics, and capture crashes. Along the way you will set up distribution groups and configure the build in detail. Here, the author will guide you with setting up Apple certificates and provisioning profiles. Finally, you discover how to set up push notifications in the Xamarin Forms app and test it on various iOS and Android devices on the App Center cloud.
Whether you are a developer on a small team or a startup or an architect in a large organization curious about the benefits of Visual Studio App Center, after finishing this book, you will be confident in setting up App Center on your next mobile project. Come join me on this journey through Visual Studio App Center with Xamarin Forms.
What You Will Learn
  • Create a DevOps CI/CD pipeline for your mobile app on both iOS and Android devices

  • Save money without buying multiple iOS and Android devices and instead run cloud UI tests
  • Stay informed about build successes and failures by integrating App Center with Slack
  • Set up groups and add team members to your groups on App Center
  • Distribute your app to your team on either iOS or Android devices
  • Capture important user events in your code and report to App Center
  • Give a friendly user experience by handling crashes gracefully and reporting to App Center
  • Keep and analyze your user’s data on Azure by setting up automatic data export to Azure
  • Communicate with your users using iOS and Android notification services from App Center
  • Give your users a better experience by sending silent push notifications 
  • Include custom data in your push notifications
Who This Book Is For
Xamarin Forms mobile developers with previous experience using the Xamarin framework. 


使用Visual Studio App Center與Xamarin Forms,通過設置DevOps CI/CD流程,設置iOS或Android上的移動應用程式構建,將應用程式分發給開發人員和測試人員,捕獲用戶的分析和崩潰情況,使用推送通知與用戶溝通,以及在Microsoft雲端上運行UI測試。您將了解如何通過Microsoft的雲端服務自動化和管理應用程式的生命周期,重點是通過清晰、實用的示例將App Center集成到Xamarin Forms應用程式中。本書首先向您展示如何註冊App Center,以及如何創建構建、集成分析和捕獲崩潰情況。在此過程中,您將設置分發組並詳細配置構建。在這裡,作者將指導您設置Apple證書和配置文件。最後,您將發現如何在Xamarin Forms應用程式中設置推送通知並在App Center雲端上的各種iOS和Android設備上進行測試。

無論您是小團隊或初創公司的開發人員,還是大型組織中的架構師,對Visual Studio App Center的好處感到好奇,完成本書後,您將有信心在下一個移動項目中設置App Center。請加入我,一起探索Visual Studio App Center與Xamarin Forms的旅程。

- 在iOS和Android設備上為您的移動應用程式創建DevOps CI/CD流程
- 省錢,無需購買多個iOS和Android設備,而是運行雲端UI測試
- 通過將App Center與Slack集成,了解構建成功和失敗的信息
- 在App Center上設置組並將團隊成員添加到組中
- 將應用程式分發給團隊的iOS或Android設備
- 在代碼中捕獲重要的用戶事件並向App Center報告
- 通過優雅地處理崩潰情況並向App Center報告,為用戶提供友好的用戶體驗
- 通過設置自動數據導出到Azure,保留並分析用戶的數據
- 使用App Center的iOS和Android通知服務與用戶溝通
- 通過發送靜默推送通知,為用戶提供更好的體驗
- 在推送通知中包含自定義數據

本書適合對Xamarin框架有先前經驗的Xamarin Forms移動開發人員。


Sunny Mukherjee is a lead developer. He has close to 15 years of experience in IT where he has worked on multiple platforms, including web, desktop, mobile, and cloud. He has worked in multiple industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, and defense. His other expertise includes software architecture, business plans and presentations, idea brainstorming and pitching, and fictional works. In his free time, he loves reading about astronomy, following the latest science and technology news, riding his bike, traveling to the beach, taking photographs, cooking, meditating, working out, and watching movies. He routinely shares important articles on his LinkedIn profile about .NET, new technologies, new discoveries, and career tips.


Sunny Mukherjee 是一位首席開發人員。他在資訊科技領域擁有近15年的經驗,曾在多個平台上工作,包括網頁、桌面、手機和雲端。他曾在多個行業工作,包括醫療保健、金融、零售和國防。他的其他專長包括軟體架構、商業計劃和演示、點子發想和提案,以及虛構作品。在空閒時間,他喜歡閱讀天文學,追蹤最新的科學和技術新聞,騎自行車,到海灘旅行,拍照,烹飪,冥想,健身和觀看電影。他經常在LinkedIn個人檔案上分享關於.NET、新技術、新發現和職涯建議的重要文章。