Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#: Second Edition

Zhimin Zhan




Solve your Selenium WebDriver problems with this quick guide to automated testing of web applications with Selenium WebDriver in C#. Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#, Second Edition contains hundreds of solutions to real-world problems, with clear explanations and ready-to-run Selenium test scripts that you can use in your own projects.

You'll learn:

  • How to locate web elements and test functions for hyperlinks, buttons, TextFields and TextAreas, radio buttons, CheckBoxes, and more
  • How to use Selenium WebDriver for select lists, navigation, assertions, frames, file upload and pop-up dialogs
  • How to debug test scripts and test data
  • How to manage and deal with browser profiles and capabilities<
  • How to manage tests for advanced user interactions and experiences (UX)
  • How to work with and manage tests and testing using Selenium Remote Control and Selenium Server

This book is for experienced .NET and C# Windows application programmers/developers.


解決您在C#中使用Selenium WebDriver進行網頁應用程式自動化測試的問題,請參考這本快速指南《Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#, Second Edition》。本書提供了數百個解決實際問題的解決方案,並附有清晰的解釋和可立即運行的Selenium測試腳本,您可以在自己的專案中使用。

- 如何定位網頁元素並測試超連結、按鈕、文字輸入框和文字區域、單選按鈕、複選框等功能
- 如何使用Selenium WebDriver進行下拉選單、導航、斷言、框架、文件上傳和彈出對話框等功能
- 如何調試測試腳本和測試數據
- 如何管理和處理瀏覽器配置文件和功能
- 如何管理高級用戶交互和使用體驗(UX)的測試
- 如何使用Selenium Remote Control和Selenium Server進行測試和測試管理

本書適合有經驗的.NET和C# Windows應用程式程式設計師/開發人員閱讀。