A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R, 3/e (Paperback)

Torsten Hothorn




Like the best-selling first two editions, A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R, Third Edition provides an up-to-date guide to data analysis using the R system for statistical computing. The book explains how to conduct a range of statistical analyses, from simple inference to recursive partitioning to cluster analysis.

New to the Third Edition



  • Three new chapters on quantile regression, missing values, and Bayesian inference
  • Extra material in the logistic regression chapter that describes a regression model for ordered categorical response variables
  • Additional exercises
  • More detailed explanations of R code
  • New section in each chapter summarizing the results of the analyses
  • Updated version of the HSAUR package (HSAUR3), which includes some slides that can be used in introductory statistics courses


Whether you’re a data analyst, scientist, or student, this handbook shows you how to easily use R to effectively evaluate your data. With numerous real-world examples, it emphasizes the practical application and interpretation of results.


《使用 R 進行統計分析手冊,第三版》是一本暢銷書的續集,提供了一個使用 R 系統進行數據分析的最新指南。本書解釋了如何進行各種統計分析,從簡單的推論到遞迴分割再到群集分析。


- 三個新章節,分別介紹了分位數回歸、缺失值和貝葉斯推論。
- 在邏輯回歸章節中增加了額外的材料,描述了一種用於有序分類響應變量的回歸模型。
- 額外的練習題。
- 更詳細的 R 代碼解釋。
- 每個章節中新增了一個小節,總結了分析結果。
- 更新的 HSAUR 套件(HSAUR3)版本,其中包括一些可用於入門統計課程的投影片。

無論您是數據分析師、科學家還是學生,本手冊都將向您展示如何輕鬆使用 R 有效地評估您的數據。通過眾多的實際示例,本書強調了結果的實際應用和解釋。