High Performance Browser Networking: What every web developer should know about networking and web performance (Paperback)

Ilya Grigorik




How prepared are you to build fast and efficient web applications? This eloquent book provides what every web developer should know about the network, from fundamental limitations that affect performance to major innovations for building even more powerful browser applications--including HTTP 2.0 and XHR improvements, Server-Sent Events (SSE), WebSocket, and WebRTC.

Author Ilya Grigorik, a web performance engineer at Google, demonstrates performance optimization best practices for TCP, UDP, and TLS protocols, and explains unique wireless and mobile network optimization requirements. You'll then dive into performance characteristics of technologies such as HTTP 2.0, client-side network scripting with XHR, real-time streaming with SSE and WebSocket, and P2P communication with WebRTC.
  • Deliver optimal TCP, UDP, and TLS performance
  • Optimize network delivery over 3G/4G mobile networks
  • Develop fast and energy-efficient mobile applications
  • Address bottlenecks in HTTP 1.x and other browser protocols
  • Plan for and deliver the best HTTP 2.0 performance
  • Enable efficient real-time streaming in the browser
  • Create efficient peer-to-peer videoconferencing and low-latency applications with real-time WebRTC transports


你對於建立快速高效的網頁應用程式有多少準備?這本精闢的書籍提供了每位網頁開發者應該了解的網路知識,從影響效能的基本限制到建立更強大的瀏覽器應用程式的重大創新,包括 HTTP 2.0 和 XHR 改進、Server-Sent Events (SSE)、WebSocket 和 WebRTC。

作者 Ilya Grigorik 是 Google 的網頁效能工程師,他展示了 TCP、UDP 和 TLS 協議的效能優化最佳實踐,並解釋了無線和移動網路優化的獨特需求。接著,你將深入研究 HTTP 2.0、使用 XHR 進行客戶端網路腳本編寫、使用 SSE 和 WebSocket 進行實時串流,以及使用 WebRTC 進行點對點通訊的效能特性。

- 提供最佳的 TCP、UDP 和 TLS 效能
- 優化在 3G/4G 移動網路上的網路傳輸
- 開發快速且節能的移動應用程式
- 解決 HTTP 1.x 和其他瀏覽器協議的瓶頸問題
- 規劃並提供最佳的 HTTP 2.0 效能
- 在瀏覽器中實現高效的實時串流
- 使用實時的 WebRTC 傳輸創建高效的點對點視訊會議和低延遲應用程式