HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps (Paperback)

Wesley Hales




This hands-on book shows you how to work with HTML5, JavaScript MVC frameworks, and the latest W3C specifications to build mobile and desktop web apps that are widely supported across all browsers and devices. You’ll quickly master building client-side applications with a loosely coupled backend infrastructure that supports offline clients.

Learn how to incorporate web storage, web workers, geolocation, Device Orientation, and WebSockets into your application architecture, using real-world examples. If you’re familiar with server-side programming and understand the basics of HTML5, this book is for you.

  • Assemble a coherent architectural whole from HTML5’s complex collection of parts
  • Gain a clear understanding of client-side architecture and the “mobile first” approach
  • Design, create, and tune eye-catching and robust mobile web apps
  • Explore how the top five JavaScript MVC frameworks interact with the server
  • Learn best practices for setting up a raw WebSocket server
  • Examine how sites such as Google, Twitter, and Amazon store data
  • Use real-world methods for applying geolocation, and learn the pitfalls of various implementations
  • Process images and other data in the background with Web Workers


這本實用的書籍向您展示如何使用HTML5、JavaScript MVC框架和最新的W3C規範來建立廣泛支援所有瀏覽器和設備的行動和桌面網頁應用程式。您將迅速掌握使用鬆散耦合的後端基礎架構來建立客戶端應用程式,並支援離線客戶端。

通過真實世界的例子,了解如何將Web存儲、Web Workers、地理位置、設備方向和WebSockets融入您的應用程式架構中。如果您熟悉伺服器端程式設計並了解HTML5的基礎知識,這本書適合您。

- 從HTML5的複雜組件中組合出一個完整的架構
- 清楚了解客戶端架構和「以行動裝置為先」的方法
- 設計、創建和調整引人注目且堅固的行動網頁應用程式
- 探索前五個JavaScript MVC框架與伺服器的互動方式
- 學習建立原始WebSocket伺服器的最佳實踐
- 檢視Google、Twitter和Amazon等網站的資料儲存方式
- 使用真實世界的方法應用地理位置,並了解各種實現的缺點
- 使用Web Workers在背景中處理圖像和其他資料