Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control (2nd Edition)

Reza N. Jazar




The second edition of this book would not have been possible without the comments and suggestions from my students, especially those at Columbia University. Many of the new topics introduced here are a direct result of student feedback that helped me refine and clarify the material. My intention when writing this book was to develop material that I would have liked to had available as a student. Hopefully, I have succeeded in developing a reference that covers all aspects of robotics with sufficient detail and explanation. The first edition of this book was published in 2007 and soon after its publication it became a very popular reference in the field of robotics. I wish to thank the many students and instructors who have used the book or referenced it. Your questions, comments and suggestions have helped me create the second edition. Preface This book is designed to serve as a text for engineering students. It introduces the fundamental knowledge used in robotics. This knowledge can be utilized to develop computer programs for analyzing the kinematics, dynamics, and control of robotic systems.


沒有哥倫比亞大學的學生,特別是那些給予評論和建議的學生,這本書的第二版是不可能完成的。這裡介紹的許多新主題都是學生反饋的直接結果,這些反饋幫助我改進和澄清材料。我寫這本書的目的是開發一個我在學生時期希望有的資料。希望我成功地開發了一個涵蓋機器人學所有方面並具有足夠細節和解釋的參考資料。這本書的第一版於2007年出版,不久之後成為機器人學領域非常受歡迎的參考書。我要感謝許多使用過這本書或引用過它的學生和教師。你們的問題、評論和建議幫助我創作了第二版。前言 這本書旨在為工程學生提供教材。它介紹了機器人學中使用的基本知識。這些知識可以用於開發用於分析機器人系統的運動學、動力學和控制的計算機程序。