Beginning FPGA: Programming Metal: Your brain on hardware

Aiken Pang, Peter Membrey

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2016-12-24
  • 定價: $2,200
  • 售價: 9.5$2,090
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 387
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1430262478
  • ISBN-13: 9781430262473
  • 相關分類: FPGA
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Use Arrow's affordable and breadboard-friendly FPGA development board (BeMicro MAX 10) to create a light sensor, temperature sensor, motion sensor, and the KITT car display from Knight Rider.

 You don't need an electronics engineering degree or even any programming experience to get the most out of Beginning FPGA: Programming Metal. Just bring your curiosity and your Field-Programmable Gate Array. This book is for those who have tinkered with Arduino or Raspberry Pi, and want to get more hands-on experience with hardware or for those new to electronics who just want to dive in.

You'll learn the theory behind FPGAs and electronics, including the math and logic you need to understand what's happening - all explained in a fun, friendly, and accessible way. It also doesn't hurt that you'll be learning VHDL, a hardware description language that is also an extremely marketable skill.

What You'll Learn:
  • Learn what an FPGA is and how it's different from a microcontroller or ASIC
  • Set up your toolchain
  • Use VHDL, a popular hardware description language, to tell your FPGA what to be
  • Explore the theory behind FPGA and electronics
  • Use your FPGA with a variety of sensors and to talk to a Raspberry Pi 

Who This Book is For:

Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and other electronics enthusiasts who want a clear and practical introduction to FPGA. 


使用Arrow的價格實惠且適合麵包板的FPGA開發板(BeMicro MAX 10),您可以創建光感應器、溫度感應器、運動感應器和《騎士俠客》中的KITT車顯示器。

您不需要電子工程學位,甚至不需要任何編程經驗,就可以充分利用《Beginning FPGA: Programming Metal》。只需帶上您的好奇心和可編程閘陣列。本書適合那些已經嘗試過Arduino或Raspberry Pi並希望獲得更多硬體實踐經驗的人,或者對電子學新手來說,他們只是想深入了解。

您將學習FPGA和電子學的理論,包括您需要理解正在發生的事情的數學和邏輯 - 所有這些都以有趣、友好和易於理解的方式解釋。學習VHDL也是一個非常有市場價值的技能,它是一種硬體描述語言。

- 了解FPGA是什麼,以及它與微控制器或ASIC的區別
- 設置您的工具鏈
- 使用VHDL,一種流行的硬體描述語言,告訴您的FPGA該做什麼
- 探索FPGA和電子學的理論
- 使用各種感應器和Raspberry Pi與您的FPGA進行通信

本書適合Arduino、Raspberry Pi和其他電子愛好者,他們希望對FPGA有清晰而實用的介紹。