Foundations of Economics, 9/e (Paperback)

Robin Bade , Michael Parkin

  • 出版商: Pearson FT Press
  • 出版日期: 2023-01-01
  • 定價: $1,440
  • 售價: 9.8$1,411
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 984
  • ISBN: 1292434236
  • ISBN-13: 9781292434230
  • 相關分類: 經濟學 Economy
  • 無法訂購


• Notable Content Changes in Micro
In Chapter 1, Getting Started, we have expanded and reorganized our explanationof economics as a social science and as a policy decision tool. And we havebroadened our explanation of how economics is used as an aid to critical thinkingand a job tool. In a new section, Economics as a Life Skill and Job Skill, wedescribe the jobs that economics majors do and the incomes they earn.In Chapter 4, Demand and Supply, we explain and illustrate the power of thedemand-supply model to predict and explain large recent swings in the price ofavocados.In Chapter 6, Efficiency and Fairness of Markets, we have replaced a discussionof gouging with a new exploration of the efficiency and fairness of ticketscalping.In Chapter 9, Global Markets in Action, provides the student with the toolsneeded to evaluate the Trump upheaval of global trade and illustrates the effects .of protection by examining U.S. tariffs on Canadian softwood imports and theU.S. import quota on sugar.In Chapter 10, Externalities, we have expanded our discussion of externalitiesin everyday life with compelling current examples. And we have revised andimproved our coverage of policies for dealing with carbon emissions and theglobal challenge of achieving an efficient use of energy resources. We describecommand-and-control proposals like the Green New Deal and explain whyeconomists favor pricing and taxing emissions.In Chapter 12, Private Information and Healthcare Markets, we have compressedour coverage of the lemons problem and updated coverage of the economicsof healthcare insurance and services.In Chapter 13, Consumer Choice and Demand, we have rewritten our explanationof how online music delivery captures consumer surplus and how streamingservices take even more consumer surplus than song downloads did.In Chapter 16, Monopoly, we have updated our discussion of information-agemonopolies.In Chapter 18, Oligopoly, we have updated our examination of wireless oligopoliesand the decision around a wireless service merger.

• Notable Content Changes in Macro
All the macro chapters are updated to include the latest data on the nationalaccounts in Chapter 21, the labor market in Chapter 22, price indexes, Chapter23, economic growth, Chapter 25, interest rates and loanable funds, Chapter 26,banks and the money market, Chapters 27 and 28, the short-run Phillips curvetradeoff, Chapter 31, fiscal policy, Chapter 32, monetary policy, Chapter 33, andthe exchange rate and balance of payments, Chapter 34.Chapter 26, Finance, Saving, and Investment, has five major changes. Itexplains the yield curve and its occasional inversion, which occurred in 2019; itreports the data on the enormous scale of borrowing and lending; it describesthe role of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology; it describes recent innovationsin financial technology, fintech, and their effects on the supply of anddemand for loanable funds; and it includes a new appendix on the concept andcalculation of present value.In Chapter 31, The Short-Run Tradeoff, the coverage of the Phillips curveprovides a look at the changing natural unemployment rate and expected inflationrate and their effects on the short-run and long-run Phillips curves andexplains why we have low inflation along with low unemployment.


• 《微觀經濟學》重要內容變更















Robin Bade was an undergraduate at the University of Queensland,Australia, where she earned degrees in mathematics and economics. After a spellteaching high school math and physics, she enrolled in the Ph.D. program atthe Australian National University, from which she graduated in 1970 . She hasheld faculty appointments at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, at BondUniversity in Australia, and at the Universities of Manitoba, Toronto, and WesternOntario in Canada. Her research on international capital flows appears in theInternational Economic Review and the Economic Record.Robin first taught the principles of economics course in 1970 and has taughtit (alongside intermediate macroeconomics and international trade and finance)most years since then. She developed many of the ideas found in this text whileconducting tutorials with her students at the University of Western Ontario.

Michael Parkin studied economics in England and began hisuniversity teaching career immediately after graduating with a B.A. from theUniversity of Leicester. He learned the subject on the job at the University ofEssex, England's most exciting new university of the 1960s, and at the age of30 became one of the youngest full professors. He is a past president of theCanadian Economics Association and has served on the editorial boards of theAmerican Economic Review and the Journal of Monetary Economics . His research onmacroeconomics, monetary economics, and international economics has resultedin more than 160 publications in journals and edited volumes, including theAmerican Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of EconomicStudies, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the Journal of Money , Credit , andBanking. He is author of the best-selling textbook, Economics (Pearson), now in itsThirteenth Edition.


Robin Bade在澳大利亞昆士蘭大學獲得數學和經濟學學位。在教授高中數學和物理一段時間後,她進入澳大利亞國立大學攻讀博士學位,並於1970年畢業。她曾在蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學、澳大利亞邦德大學以及加拿大的曼尼托巴大學、多倫多大學和西安大畢業。她在國際經濟評論和經濟記錄上發表了關於國際資本流動的研究成果。Robin於1970年首次教授經濟學原理課程,並在此後的大部分年份教授該課程(以及中級宏觀經濟學和國際貿易與金融)。她在西安大畢業期間與學生進行教學輔導時,發展了本教材中的許多觀點。

Michael Parkin在英國學習經濟學,並在從萊斯特大學獲得學士學位後立即開始了他的大學教學生涯。他在英國埃塞克斯大學(英國最令人興奮的新大學之一)上班期間學習了這門學科,並在30歲時成為最年輕的正教授之一。他曾擔任加拿大經濟學會主席,並在《美國經濟評論》和《貨幣經濟學期刊》的編輯委員會任職。他在宏觀經濟學、貨幣經濟學和國際經濟學方面的研究已經發表了160多篇文章,包括《美國經濟評論》、《政治經濟學期刊》、《經濟研究評論》、《貨幣經濟學期刊》和《貨幣、信用和銀行學期刊》。他是暢銷教材《經濟學》(Pearson)的作者,現已出版至第13版。


Part 1: Introduction
1. Getting Started
2. The U.S. and Global Economies
3. The Economic Problem
4. Demand and Supply
Part 2: A Closer Look at Markets
5. Elasticities of Demand and Supply
6. Efficiency of Fairness and Markets
Part 3: How Governments Influence the Economy
7. Government Actions in Markets
8. Taxes
9. Global Markets in Action
Part 4: Market Failures and Public Policy
10. Externalities
11. Public Goods and Common Resources
12. Private Information and Healthcare Markets
Part 5: A Closer Look At Decision Makers
13. Consumer Choice and Demand
14. Production and Cost
Part 6: Prices, Profits, and Industry Performance
15. Perfect Competition
16. Monopoly
17. Monopolistic Competition
18. Oligopoly
Part 7: Incomes and Inequality
19. Markets for Factors of Production
20. Economic Inequality
Part 8: Monitoring the Macroeconomy
21. GDP: A Measure Of Total Production and Income
22. Jobs and Unemployment
23. The CPI and the Cost of Living
Part 9: The Real Economy
24. Potential GDP and the Natural Unemployment Rate
25. Economic Growth
26. Finance, Saving, and Investment
Part 10: The Money Economy
27: The Monetary System
28: Money, Interest, and Inflation
Part 11: Economic Fluctuations
29. Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
30. Aggregate Expenditure Multiplier
31. The Short-Run Policy Tradeoff
Part 12: Macroeconomic Policy
32. Fiscal Policy
33. Monetary Policy
34. International Finance


1. 入門
2. 美國和全球經濟
3. 經濟問題
4. 需求和供應

5. 需求和供應的彈性
6. 市場的效率和公平性

7. 政府在市場中的行動
8. 稅收
9. 全球市場的運作

10. 外部性
11. 公共財和共有資源
12. 私人資訊和醫療市場

13. 消費者選擇和需求
14. 生產和成本

15. 完全競爭
16. 壟斷
17. 壟斷性競爭
18. 寡頭壟斷

19. 生產要素市場
20. 經濟不平等

21. 國內生產總值:總生產和收入的衡量
22. 就業和失業
23. 消費者物價指數和生活成本

24. 潛在國內生產總值和自然失業率
25. 經濟增長
26. 財務、儲蓄和投資

27. 貨幣體系
28. 貨幣、利率和通脹

29. 總供給和總需求
30. 總支出乘數
31. 短期政策抉擇

32. 財政政策
33. 貨幣政策
34. 國際金融